Chapter 11

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Mully's POV:

I woke up and rolled over to see Josh sleeping next to me. I smiled as I remembered what we had done earlier. I stood up and quietly got dressed before checking my phone. It was 5pm and I had a message from Lannan.

L: Hey Mully. Something happened at the office, and we need you here ASAP.

M: Alright, I'll be there in a few hours.

I put my phone in my pocket and then I slowly woke up a very sleepy Josh.

"Hey mate, I need to go back to Sydney ASAP. I promise I'll visit again soon." I said quietly. Josh looked at me, sadness in his eyes.

"Okay Mull. See you again soon." He replied sadly. I hurriedly ran downstairs to my car so I could go to my hotel to pack before going to the airport.

Josh's POV:

I sadly got up after Mully had left, my legs were in pain. I slowly put my clothes on and then I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw two hickeys on my neck. Oh shit, what will Y/N say when she comes home. I checked my phone and saw a message from Y/N.

Y: Hey Josh, I'm staying at Smashing's tonight. Stay safe!

J: Don't worry, I will. See you tomorrow!

I placed my phone on the bed before walking downstairs. I should make tea I thought to myself as I walked to the kitchen.

Y/N's POV:

I sat on the couch in Smashing's hotel room while I waited for him to finish eating. When he finally finished, he came and sat next to me. I layed down and rested my head on his lap as he played with my hair. 

"For someone who's pregnant, you certainly don't look it." He said as I started to close my eyes. 

"It's only been a month. Give it some time." I replied tiredly. He leaned in and kissed me on the head.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." Smashing whispered as he gently picked me up.

"Wow Ayden, such a gentleman." I replied as he layed me on the bed. He laughed as he layed down next to me. I cuddled into him and slowly fell asleep.

Mully's POV:

"So, what's the problem?" I asked as I stepped into the office. Everyone looked at me.

"Fresh is in hospital. He was in a car crash." Lannan replied as they all got up and went outside.

"Shit. Hurry up guys, let's go." I said loudly as I hopped into the back of Lannan's car. We all sat in silence as we drove to the hospital. I hope Fresh is okay I thought as we walked into the hospital.

Josh's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth while I looked at the two hickeys on my neck that Mully had given me. I should probably find something to cover them up before Y/N comes home. I hurried downstairs and looked in the loungeroom when I heard the front door open.

"Josh, I'm home!" Y/N yelled as she looked around the house. When she spotted me, her jaw dropped. I quickly covered my neck with my hands, blushing real red.

"Wow Josh! Are those hickeys on your neck?" She asked. I looked away from her. 

"N-No." I replied blushing an even darker shade of red. She quietly laughed.

"So, who was it? Who gave you those?" She asked as she walked closer to get a better look.

"It was M-Mully." I replied quietly. She looked at me shocked.

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