Chapter 13

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Josh's POV:

Smashing and I walked out to the front of the Sydney airport wondering what was taking Tannar so long. Our plane had landed five minutes ago, and she had told us she would be here. But like normal, she was late. We waited another five minutes before she finally arrived. Me and Smashing put our bags in the boot before hopping in the car.

"You took forever." I said as Tannar drove away from the airport.

"Well, there is a lot of traffic in Sydney." She replied. I rolled my eyes as I rested my head on the seat. I slowly started to doze off before we arrived.

"We're here!" Tannar said loudly causing me to wake up. We left our bags in the car deciding we would grab them later. We walked into the office, heading towards Mully's room. 

Mully's POV:

I was sitting on my chair in my office listening to music with my headphones on and my eyes closed. I was just vibing when I felt someone sit on my lap, which is strange. No one at the office does that. When I opened my eyes, I saw Josh sitting on my lap with Tanner and Smashing standing off to the side. I took my headphones off as I started to blush.

"W-What a s-surprise." I managed to say. Josh got up and stood next to my computer.

"Smashing and I missed you, so we decided to visit." Josh replied smiling. I slowly stood up.

"You sure it wasn't just you who missed me?" I asked as I started stepping closer to Josh. He blushed.

"Nah, it was all Josh's idea." Smashing replied as I stopped, an inch away from Josh. His face was turning really red every second.

"Let's leave these two alone." Tannar said to Smashing. I heard them walk out before shutting the door. I quickly pinned Josh up against the wall as I began to kiss him.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up with Gaege hugging me. I slowly pushed him off so I could go to the bathroom. I fixed my hair and put on my make up. I then checked my phone and saw a text from Mum.

M: Hey Sweetie! I have some terrible news.

Y: What is it, Mum?

M: Well, we were evicted from our house this morning.

Y: So, you have nowhere to go?

M: Yeah, and it might take some time to find a house.

Y: Come to Australia! You can live with me for a while.

M: Okay. See you soon Sweetheart.

I turned my phone off and quickly began to pack. I ran downstairs as I remembered that Mum didn't know I was pregnant. What will she think once she finds out? And more important, what will she do when she finds out the father of my child dumped me?

Eddie's POV: 

I saw Y/N coming down the stairs with her suitcase in her hand. She walked up to me.

"I'm so sorry Eddie but I have to leave. My family are visiting, and I need to be in Australia." She said as she leaned down to give me a hug. 

"Please tell Gaege and Gabby, I will miss them." She said as she walked towards the door.

"Okay. Take care Y/N." I replied before she walked out the door. I sighed. She had only stayed for two days but I guess family is more important.

Gaege's POV:

I woke up and Y/N wasn't beside me. I got up and went downstairs. I only saw Gabby and Eddie sitting on the couch. I walked up to them.

"Where's Y/N?" I asked as Gabby and Eddie looked at me.

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