Chapter 8

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Y/N's POV:

Mully finally left after we had finished talking about Josh for half an hour. He had told me about how he had rubbed Josh's leg, which is exactly what Josh had told me about. I sat on my couch and started thinking about Smashing. I really missed him, maybe I could try texting him.

Y: Hey Smashing, how you doing?

S: My cat died so I could be better but I'm getting there. Also, I miss you.

Y: Sorry to hear. Take care of yourself Smashing. Miss you too <3

I put down my phone on the bench and sat down. I hope Smashing will be okay.

Third person POV:

Over time Josh's and Mully's feelings for each other only got stronger. Josh soon learnt that Mully had broken up with his girlfriend. The boys stayed in Australia longer than expected so they could be there for Y/N. Juicy and Y/N started to hang out together every single day and Juicy's feelings for Y/N only got stronger. Y/N started to develop a small crush on Juicy, but her heart already truly belonged to Smashing.

*A month later*

Y/N's POV:

I ran to the toilet and threw up. Oh, fuck I thought before flushing the toilet and going downstairs to find my phone so I could call Josh. I quickly found it and dialed his number.

Y: "Josh, I need you here right now!" I cried into the phone.

J: "Calm down Y/N, I'm on my way." He replied before hanging up.

I sat on the couch and waited for Josh to arrive. After 10 minutes he finally arrived.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Josh asked as he sat on the couch next to me.

"I think I might be... pregnant!" I replied slowly beginning to cry.

"Hey, calm down, you need to take a test first. Have you got any?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Give me a minute." I said as I slowly walked upstairs.

Josh's POV:

As I sat on the couch waiting for Y/N I started thinking about who the baby would belong to if she was pregnant. It was most likely Smashing but her and Juicy have been hanging out a lot recently.

"It's positive! I'm pregnant!" I heard Y/N yell as she ran down the stairs to show me the test. It was true, she was pregnant.

"So, who's the father?" I asked her. She looked at me blushing.

"Smashing... but we only did it once!" She said quickly. I rolled my eyes.

"It only takes one time Y/N." I replied. She looked at me, panic in her eyes.

"Don't tell the boys, except Smashing." She said as she walked into the kitchen. I quickly went on my phone to tell Smashing.

J: Hey mate, come to Adelaide right now.

S: Sure, but why?

J: Y/N is pregnant. She needs you more than anyone.

S: I'll be there tomorrow.

I put my phone on the couch and went to find Y/N.

Smashing's POV:

Y/N is pregnant! I quickly went on my laptop to find a ticket to Adelaide. I finally found one and the plane was boarding in an hour. I quickly started packing anything I would need; I was prepared for at least two months maybe more. All I could think about was Y/N and seeing her again. I finished packing and quickly went to my car and sped to the airport.

Gaege's POV:

I was sitting in my hotel room thinking about Y/N when I heard a notification on my phone. I quickly checked to see what it was and saw a message from the boys. I opened it.

J: Hey boys, we're having a party at Y/N's house tonight.

M: Alright I'm down.

E: Same, see you there boys.

I turned my phone off and started blushing. A party at Y/N's house, I honestly couldn't wait.

Josh's POV:

*5 hours later*

I hear a knock on the door and open it seeing the boys standing there, Mully at the front. I started to blush.

"Come on in boys." I said as I let them in. They all walked to the kitchen to find the beers.

"Let the party begin amigos!" Eddie yelled as he handed out the beers and I turned on the speakers. All the boys started dancing with beers in their hands, Y/N had a Solo. I started to blush when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"Hey Joshy." Mully said blushing. He's so cute I thought. 

"Hey Mull." I replied as he leaned in closer to my face, his breath smelling of beer. I started to blush a really dark shade of red. I slowly closed my eyes as our lips connected. We kissed for a minute before Mully pulled away. He quickly ran out the front door.

"Mully! Wait!" I yelled as I chased him out to the garden. I saw him jump in his car and speed away. I walked back inside crying.

Y/N's POV:

*2 hours later*

Juicy and I sat on the couch talking, he was already drunk. I couldn't drink because I was pregnant, so I was sober. Juicy had been blushing an awful lot as we talked about whatever we wanted to talk about. He suddenly went silent as he leaned in closer, I already knew what was coming. He kissed me and I kissed back, he was a good kisser and cute too. I broke away after 30 seconds and he layed down ready to sleep. I layed down next to him and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a tight hug. I blushed a little as we both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Eddie's POV:

I sat back as I watched Gaege and Y/N kiss. They then fell asleep soon after that. What a cunt! Hopefully Smashing doesn't find out about this I thought as I drank my beer.

"Did they just kiss?" Josh asked me. I sighed.

"Yeah, they did." I replied. Josh looked furious.

"Smashing will kill him if he finds out." Josh said. I nodded my head. Drunk or not Juicy was an idiot for kissing Smashing's crush. 

(A/N: Sorry this is so short guys. I will hopefully start writing longer chapters soon. Have a nice day/night <3)

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