Chapter 16

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Smashing's POV:

I rushed Y/N into the hospital and started to ask for a doctor. A doctor came running in and took us to a quiet room. He then asked what the problem was.

"She's bleeding from her you know what but she's pregnant." I said quickly.

"Oh no! We need to seek help for her right away." He replied as he called a nurse and some other people to tell them. He then looked at me.

"It's alright mate. Your girlfriend will be fine." He said trying to comfort me.

"What about the baby?" I asked worried. He looked at me sadness in his eyes.

"I don't know but we might not be able to save it." He replied as the nurse and a few more doctors came in. They took Y/N away as I stood still and began to cry.

Josh's POV:

Mully and I sat on the couch with Y/N's puppies as we worried about her. We were hoping for her and the baby would be okay. I heard Mully sigh.

"We come to visit and now this happens. It must be bad luck." He said slowly. 

"No one knew this would happen. Let's just focus on taking care of the dogs." I replied as I looked up at him. 

"Alright. Do they have any dog leads?" Mully asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I should have some spare leads and collars in your car." He said as he stood up and walked outside. I sighed as I waited for him. He came back with two collars and two leads. We slipped the collars onto the puppies before attaching the leashes. We then went out the front door, both of us walking one of the pups. 

Mully's POV:

We walked the dogs to a nearby park and walked them around. They tried to chase the magpies, but we kept a tight grip on the leads. We slowly walked them around as I held onto Josh's hand. 

"Should we let the dogs off the leash at the dog park?" Josh asked.

"Not until they have names and are desexed." I replied as we went past the dog park. We then left the park and went back to Y/N's house. We walked inside and took the leashes off of the dogs. They ran to their water bowl and had a drink. I sat down on the couch next to Josh. I turned on the T.V and we watched the movie Jumanji.

Smashing's POV:

*6 hours later*

I was waiting in the hospital room when the doctor walked in. His face looked sad, he was frowning, and his eyes were looking down at the floor.

"I'm sorry sir but your child didn't make it." He replied and tears started to form in my eyes.

"What about Y/N?" I asked worried that I might have lost my only thing that makes me happy.

"She's doing well. But on the other hand-." The doctors voice trailed off. He looked up at me.

"What? What happened to her?" I asked worried. He looked at me sadly

"She can't have any more kids. I'm so sorry to tell you all this bad news." The doctor replied. I sighed.

"It's not your fault." I said as my voice cracked. No matter what I'll always be by Y/N's side.

Y/N's POV:

I sat on a hospital bed holding my still born child as the doctor told me I couldn't have any more kids. I started to cry again as I thought about Smashing and how disappointed he would be. He might even leave me. The doctor took my child away and took me back to the hospital room where Smashing was waiting. He ran up and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry Smashing. Please don't leave me." I said crying. He looked at me confused.

"Now why would I leave you?" He asked as he held my hand.

"Because I can't have any more children." I replied as he wiped my tears away.

"Y/N, that doesn't matter. I will love you no matter what. Besides, we have our fur babies at home." He replied causing a little giggle to escape from my mouth. He then kissed my forehead and told me everything would be alright.

Josh's POV:

I heard a knock on the door, so I got up to answer it. The person standing at the door looked sort of like Y/N, but she was older.

"Hello. Are you one of Y/N's friends?" The lady asked me. 

"Yes, I'm Josh. You must be Y/N's mother." I replied kindly. She smiled.

"Well, yes I am. Do you know where Y/N is?" She asked. I slightly frowned.

"I hate to be the one to tell you but... she's in the hospital." I replied sadly.

"What happened? Is she alone?" She asked. I sighed.

"No, she's not alone, her boyfriend is with her. And she got her period even though she's pregnant." I replied. I knew Smashing wouldn't leave her side, not in a million years.

"Oh dear. Well thanks for taking care of my little girl. I'm glad she's got a best friend like you. Make sure when she comes out of hospital that she visits me." She said softly. I smiled a little. It's been a while since I've been someone's 'Best friend'.

"Will do. Have a lovely rest of your day." I reply as she walked away. I shut the door and walked over to the couch where Mully was sleeping. I smiled as I thought about how cute he was. I then started to blush. I heard a notification on my phone, so I turned it on the check what it was.

S: Staying at the hospital tonight. Should hopefully be back tomorrow.

J: Alright mate. Wishing you the best of luck!

S: Well, the baby didn't survive, and she can't have kids anymore, but I still love her.

J: That's shit but we'll always be here for her. 

S: Yeah, make sure you take good care of her puppies. Those are her only babies.

J: Don't worry, nothing will happen to them. I'm taking amazing care of them.

S: Alright thanks Josh. Talk to you soon.

I turned my phone off and layed down on Mully's chest. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and in minutes, I was asleep.

Smashing's POV:

I turned my phone off and I decided not to tell Josh what I wanted to tell him. It's like way to scary and I'm worried Josh will tell everyone. I love Y/N and want her to be mine forever, but I don't know how to tell Josh that I want to ask her to marry me. I sighed as I looked over at her.

"What's wrong Smashing?" She asked worried. I smiled not wanting her to worry.

"It's nothing just thinking about something." I replied. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"If you say so." She said with a questioning tone in her voice. I walked downstairs to the hospital kitchen to get me some dinner. The doctor saw me and gave me Y/N's food as well. I walked back upstairs and gave her the food. We both sat in silence just eating our food. We finished and I layed on the couch in the room and we both fell asleep.

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