Bonus chapter

196 1 8

{Yooooo! I just remembered this platform existed lol. its currently 11:47. Im going to just write smt here to prove I have gotten better lol.}

Shimmer opened his light green eyes and proceeded to lift his long, elegant, neck from his pillow. He yawned, his sparkling white teeth reflecting in the morning sunshine. The dragonet brought himself to his talons, arching his back whilst he stretched. He blinked a couple times before reaching to his end table to retrieve his circular spectacles. He laid them on the bridge of his nose, avoiding touching the glass in the frame. He hated cleaning his glasses even more than he hated the mud swamps. 

The dragonet carefully exited his bedroom and quietly made his way down to Thorn's kitchens. Shimmer maneuvered past the Outclaws who were preparing the breakfast meal for the stronghold. He noticed a freshly baked loaf of bread being cut up, his mouth watered as the smell reached his nostrils. He stealthily snatched the end piece of the bread and made his way out of the kitchen, nibbling at his newfound treat. 

Shimmer waved to a couple passing Outclaws, who in return all waved back. He passed one of the map-making apprentices and gave them a high-talon with his left talon. He continued to walk around the stronghold, waving and making kind remarks to each dragon he passed. The sound of all the thoughts buzzing in the stronghold became lick background noise after a while, Shimmer sometimes forgot he was a mind reader. 

Shimmer waltzed up to his parents bedroom. he extended his left talon and knocked three times, withdrawing his talon after and carefully finishing his stolen bread. He heard a voice, then a noise, then talons. He waited patiently.

Winter opened the door. The tall, blue, freezing cold dragon stared down at Shimmer. A small smile passed on his usually bitter face as he surveyed his dragonet. 

"Good morning, Shimmer." He extended his right claw, lightly running his serrated talons along his child's face.

"Good morning, father." Shimmer replied, "I came to make sure you and dad were up."

"I'm up!" Qibli's light-hearted voice rang from around the corner, "Give me a moment, I lost my earring-"

Winter rolled his frosty black eyes, "Enough about the dang earring, Kibs, come wish our son happy birthday."

Qiblis sandy, freckles face appeared seconds later. His deep, black eyes shone with pride as he looked down upon his son. He pushed past Winter, his smaller size making it easier to maneuver around Winters' large talons. He wrapped Shimmer in a giant hug, pressing his chest to Shimmer's own.

"Happy birthday, kid!" He said happily, moving his head to get a better look at his son, "What's on the schedule for today? It's your day, you get to decide."

"Hmmm..." Shimmer thought for a moment, chewing on the bits of bread stuck between his teeth, "What if we go and visit Possibility? I think that could be fun!"

Qibli laughed, "Alright! Possibility it is!"

{Ok its legit 12:11 rn- I need sleep bc school is starting back up tomorrow- NO MORE BREAK FOR ME *sobs*


look- im not even fixing mistakes at this point lol.


Forever your... what am I? Princess? Weird-starter? Chaos-Creator? Ooh i like that one.

Forever your Chaos Creator,


:) }


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