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{Hay! my birthday is coming up, but ill be on the road the days before and the day of my birthday. so ima do a nice little bonus chapter,} 

a month later after Qibli's celabration...

Shimmer raced out the door of his room and into his parents room. he jumped onto the bed laughing.

"Wha- Shimmer! have you ever heard of sleeping?" Winter growled, sitting up

"Shimmer, dragon to dragon, YOUR CRAZY" Qibli sat up yawning "And you know it"

"sorrrryyyy!" Shimmer moaned "But today is the day all the queens and their kids are coming!" 

"Your hoping for a friend" Winter got out of bed and picked up a scroll "Aren't you"

Shimmer didn't wanna admit it, but he REALLY did. he jumped off the bed and raced to the window.

"I wanna meet  queen SnowDrop again" Shimmer exclaimed "And Ember again too!" 

Winter pulled Qibli off the bed and dragged him to the window. "Winter! what have i told you about dragging me?"

"Nothing" Winter said "absolutely nothing" 

"I see shifting scales! Glory! oooh! red scales! Skywings! Bio luminescent scales, must be SeaWings!" Shimmer called out "Can we go meet them!" 

"Sure" qibli stood up "We can all go, c'mon, get yourself put together"

the family of dragons walked into the great hall, where Winter put on his "haughty" face. Qibli snickered and tried to copy him. 

Shimmer ran over and opened the door when a lound "BANG BAM BANG" sounded. outside the door was Queen Coral with Anemone, Auklet, and... Tamarin? the blind ranwing held Anemone's talon as they walked through the door.

"Greetings" Winter put out his talon "Ex-prince Winter" 

"Coral, charmed to meet you again" He shook his talon.

"Oh, Shimmer!" Auklet cried "Hi! remember me? wow, tiny dragon, youve gotten bigger sense the last time i saw you" the sea-dragon laughed

"Hi Auklet!" Shimmer exclaimed. 

Soon, the room was full of queens and their kids (And their kids boyfriends/girlfriends). Glory, Firefly, Eclipse, Coral, Anemone, Tamarin, Auklet, Snowdrop, Ruby, Ember, Elise, Morhen, Thorn, Sunny, Luna, Cricket, Bumblebee, and Hazel.

"Welcome" Thorn said "Shimmer, if you would take all the kids to your room, that would be delightful"

All the kids in the room swarmed around Shimmer. "Follow me, my army of dragons!" Shimmer joked

they all ran to Shimmer's room, in the worst line in the entire world.  

"So" Shimmer sat down on the carpet, all the other dragons sitting around him. "Lets all explain our life stories in a short version because i'm weird and want to know"

Elise went first "Um... im Elise... i was adopted by Queen Snowdrop and Princess Ember a few years before Snwdrop became queen... I was already a sky-ice hybrid so it seemed right for them" Elise looked around "My parents think im perfect, so i never get a break from being in the spotlight"

Anemone went next, oh wait, TAMARIN AND Anemone went next "Tamarin and i live under the ocean and in the rainforest, thanks to my *Beautiful* magic" Anemone said

"Im wherever Anemone is" Tamarin mumbled

one by one, they all told their life stories, ending with Shimmer who explained his long, over the top, extremely confusing life story. 

"so, do any of you want a pretty necklace i made for this occasion?" Shimmer pulled out a tub of different necklaces.

"Oh!" Elise took one out of the tub "look! its an icicle and a flame!" 

"keep it" shimmer said... he felt like he had friends now, perhaps they didn't think so, but he safe in the area of other royalty. Maybe his life wasn't completely weird after all!

{| henlo my friends! MoonWatcher's calling has the prolouge now! go ahead and read it if you *loved* this story! Also my Kids of the Jade Winglet has LOTS of Qinter in it~ Feel free to explore my vast- no- Dragon oriented books! |}

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