Chapter two: An egg

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Qibli and Turtle arrived the next morning. "Winter is in the healers hut, he's in shock" Riptide told them

"Oh no..." Qibli bit his tounge

Turtle put a talon on Qibli's neck. they walked to the healers hut in silence. they opened the door and walked in.

"Hi Qibli, hi Turtle, Winter is in the back room" Said the receptionist


they walked into the room, scared to see the prince. they saw him, curled in the corner, his eyes blank.

"Winter?" Qibli asked "Are you- are you going to be alright?"

Winter snapped up "TELL ME ITS A LIE" he roared "TELL ME ITS A LIE! PLEASE QIBLI, LET IT BE A LIE!"

"Its not, Winter, Hush, its okay" Turtle held his talon out to him "Its okay"

Qibli walked over and touched Winter's talon "Moon is in a better place now, Winter"

"Qibli, moon was expecting your egg!" Winter screamed

Qibli stood, frozen "W-h-a-t"

"Moon sent me a letter saying she was going to tell you soon!" Winter howled "your LUCKY, and you let her DIE!" Winter continued screaming

The healer walked in. "Oh, Mr. fancy is awake" he clicked his teeth "Qibli, Turtle, let me talk to him, you go to the egg room"

They walked to the room, chatting silently about Qibli's now dead egg. they soon arrived in the Egg room, the room where the eggs that wont hatch are kept.

Qibli sat down and began banging his head on the wall. Turtle stood there, looking at all the eggs. there was about fifteen, there was no silhouette of a dragonet inside any of them. 

Turtle picked one up "Turtle" Qibli said in a warning tone "What are you doing"

"This" he held the egg closer. "I enchant this egg to be Qibli and Winters animus dragonet!"

Qibli looked at him, a shocked expression written on his face. Turtle placed the egg in Qibli's talons. Qibli squinted at it, inside he could see a tiny dragonet.

"Turtle" Qibli growled "Winter is going to kill you"

"Boys- Wait, Turtle" the Healer stood in the door "did you- your an animus?"

Turtle stood frozen "if you tell anyone ill be dead" he whispered

"I wont, Qibli, turtle, uh- egg, Winter is ready to see you"

they walked to the room again. the walked in to see winter being held down by a rope.

"Holy- Winter, you need some help" Turtle asked

"does it LOOK like i need it, yes i do" he hissed

Turtle untied him and stood back. Winter reached up his long neck and glared at Qibli. He look at the egg and then to Qibli.

"Turtle enchanted this egg to be our son, Winter" Qibli replied flatly

"he can DO THAT?" Winter growled

Turtle nodded. Winter took a step forward, glaring at Turtle. Turtle turned and fled the hut, yelling back 'YOUR WELCOME'.

Winter stepped closer to Qibli. "So, we have to care for an egg now" Winter asked

"Yep-a-daisy, lets see how good we are at it..."

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