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{Ive been requested to do an alternate ending! where Qibli commits Sause on the slide. So yeah. forgive me for the grammer and cringe, this is written LATE at night... @ManagerTanager requested this, so yeah.}

{this is when Darkstalker/moon is still there. Moon right now is Darkstalker, :3 )

Something is off  Winter thought, walking around the courtyard in Thorns Stronghold what am i missing? why does this dragon known as shimmer call himself my son?

winter saw Moon walk outside, pure shock written on her face "winter!" she cried "something terrible has happened!"

Winter stumbled as he rushed to meet his 'mate'. "what? Moon whats wrong?" he asked shakily

"its Qibli" she seemed to say in a voice with no emotion "he-hes gone"

winter shook himself  "Gone? like 'oh im qibli and im running away' gone or 'HAH, IMA PLAY HIDE AND GO SEEK' gone?"

Moon was shaking, snout to talons "n-neither" she choked out

winter got what she meant and stared into space, his cold body becoming colder. He let go of Moon and fell to the ground. it snapped.

"QIBLI!" winter screamed "DARKSTALKER! GET AWAY!"

Moonwatcher sneered, all the fake sorrow instantly gone "of course! 'true love' broke my spell" she hissed "well at least qibli is DEAD, and i ruined his and your PUNEY lives!" she suddenly evaporated

Winter screamed again, icy tears falling down his snout. Thorn burst out for the doors and saw winter "MOON IS DARKSTALKER?!" she screamed

Winter held himself still on the warm sand of the desert. he couldn't feel his talons, or his heart anymore. he took a sharp breath, and fell into an empty sleep.


Shimmer gasped. "qibli- qibli KILLED himself?" he choked out

thorn nodded "he- he is in his bedroom" she mumbled

Shimmer swished his tail, the icewing spikes and sandwing barb dragging on the floor. he felt tears coming to his eyes, but he didnt let them spill. 

He gathered himself together "and winter?" he asked

"asleep" Thorn sighed "he is in the med-bay downstairs" 

shimmer fake-smiled at Thorn "im going to see him" he said, not refuring to either Qibli nor Winter

he burst of of thorns room and up the stairs. he opened his wings and flew up the last 8 steps, tears finally forming in his eyes. he burst into Qibli's room and stumbled before coming snout to snout with the dead sandwing.

"NO" shimmer screamed. he knew it was real, but just seeing it made it even more real. 

the dead sandwing was sprawled on the stone floor, dried blood surrounding his body. Shimmer, never seeing a dead dragon before, jumped into the air, flapping wildy.

his mind was spinning. or was it the room? maybe Shimmer was spinning. he didnt know. he continued to cry out, leaving many curious dragons to find Qibli's body and shimmer.

"my second moon-" six-claws suddenly said "thorn! Why the sunshine did you let shimmer in here?" he shouted

Shimmer's wings were getting tired. he fell into a puddle of blood and lay there. the spell snapped. 


Winter was there. or maybe it was a cloud overhead. wait- clouds weren't inside. it had to be Winter.

"shimmer!" the voice, defiantly winters, shouted "dont you dare become depressed! or i will rip off your face and feed it to the sharks!"

Shimmer felt emptiness cloud his heart, and maybe his eyes. was winter fading away? or was the room expanding?! Winters talons were shaking him. the stench of blood filled his nose and he faded from reality.

{five maybe ten minutes later}

Shimmer awoke to the warm touch of Breeze. no, not a breeze as in wind, but Turtle and Kinkajou's daughter, Breeze. she smiled faintly at him.

"Burr-" Shimmer couldn't make out a word. but apparently "burr" was good enough for breeze.

"oh my gosh i am so sorry" tears were forming in her eyes "c-can you say my name?"

"burr- breeze" shimmer mumbled "p-please say this is a dream... he cant be dead"

Breeze winced "im sorry"

Shimmer cried. he didnt care if he was a crybaby. "crybaby crybaby, but he dont freekin' care".

{winter POV}


winter sat in the warm sun. he saw four icewings fly over him. they all looked confused and sorry for him. he looked up and mouthed "dont feel bad".

"Winter, you need to eat something" Thorn suddenly appeared behind him "'cmon"

Winter whiped around. his life wasn't suppose to go this way!

{this is the alternate depressing end :P. i made this at like midnight and i was drowsy so forgive the grammar. this is not the real ending. Moonwatchers calling will be based off the real one, not this one. there we go. i hope that was good for you manager}

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