Chapter nine: Kinkajou

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Shimmer woke up with a start, someone stepped on his nose. he dug up to the surface of the sand and shot into the sky. he landed with a THUD!

"Shimmmmmmer, hellllllo" said a sly voice

"Uhm, hello?" he looked at his surroundings, no dragon anywhere. 

"Breeze has told me about you, im Kinkajou" A rainwing suddenly appeared out of thin air, the colors of yellow and pink shining in the sun.

"Turtles mate!" Shimmer looked at her happily

"Yes, breeze asked me to come find you and drag turtle with me. i did" A green dragon ran out from behind the rocks shouting 'KINKAJOU!!!'

"Over here slime head" Kinkajou laughed, letting her high pitched voice return, the slyness dropping from her tone.

"Who is this, Kinkajou? why did Breeze send us on a wild goose chase?" Turtle panted.

"This is Shimmer, Winter and Qibli's son" Kinkajou held out her talon to him

Turtle froze, then took a step back. He looked around hurriedly and laid in the sand.

"A-are they here? I-i dont want to get hurt guys" Turtle stuttered

"why would you?" Kinkajou and Shimmer asked at the same time 

Turtle stood up with a shaky breath. "they were not happy at all when i created you, maybe Qibli, definitely not winter"

Shimmer flintched. was that why Winter sometimes acted weird when he asked about his JMA friends? he did not want to talk about Turtle?

"Um, i have some Questions Turtle" Shimmer sighed "can you tell me about Jade winglet from your time?"

Kinkajou smacked him and Turtle sighed. "there were a few of us, Winter, Qibli, Moonwatcher, Kinkajou, Umber, Carnelian, and I..." Turtle began "Moonwatcher was a Mind Reader, Kinkajou ended a war, Carnelian died, Umber left, Winter was- well, Haughty, Qibli was smarter then the sun, and i had the stone that kept Mind Readers out, and i also helped the IceWings survive"

Shimmer gasped at the thought of mind readers and wars, Death and scared ones, Haughty ice dragons, and smart SandWings.

"And soon, all of us had made history"

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After the story, Qibli and winter flew up to them. Winter glared at turtle whilst hugging Shimmer and Qibli smiled at his old friends. Shimmer was soon caught in an epic battle of glares between Winter and Kinkajou.

"Can we go back to the palace? please? its hot out here" Shimmer asked "and can they come to?"

"Sure" Qibli glanced at them "we'll make it there before dinner"

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