Chapter three: Prince Shimmer

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It was hatching. Winter sat there, wondering what to do. 

"the times i need that SAND-SNORTER" Winter growled

Tiny talons pushed out of the egg, tiny blue talons. soon a head, then a neck, then a body. the dragonets underbelly was a peach color, its sandwing spike thing was blue and so were a lot of his scales. he had the slim head of an icewing, the slimmer body of an icewing, and sandwing features.

Winter touched the dragonet, it squeaked happily. "Ice burgs, this thing is cute!"

The tiny dragon looked up wide eyed at Winter. After a closer inspection of the dragonet, Winter learned it most likely needed glasses, and it was a boy. Winter picked up the tiny dragonet and walked to his room. Winter laid the dragonet on his bed while he dug through his boxes.

"I know i have a crown in here" he hissed "ah ha!" he lifted a gold crown out of the box.

he placed it on the dragonet's head, he yipped happily and touched it. a slam came from the front of the house. "Winter, where'd you put the egg?!" 

"Come back here Sand-snorter!" Winter called back

Qibli walked into the room and gasped. "Its sooooo cute!" he cried, running over to the dragonet

"We need a name for him" Winter coughed

"How 'bout Icy-hot" Qibli joked

they laughed for a moment. the dragonet lifted his wings and let the sun shine through them. he lifted his head majestically. 

"Shimmer..." Winter and Qibli whispered

"Prince Shimmer of the IceWings and SandWings!" Winter cried, holding up the small dragon

Shimmer giggled and held put his wings. Qibli smiled, joining winter in holding up the dragonet.

"Thorn needs me at the castle for the next week, Winter" he took Shimmer and held him in his arms "You wanna come? you LOVE castles"  

"Sure SandWing, dong get any ideas" Winter yawned

"get packed, time to tell Thorn about or son"

My terrible picture of Prince Shimmer~ he looks kind of hot tho-

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My terrible picture of Prince Shimmer~ he looks kind of hot tho-

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