chapter 15: Party's and karaoke

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Winter walked slowly behind qibli. "where are we goinggggg" he moaned

"To a party, to let everyone know your under Thorn's protection" Qibli answered

"OOH! PARTY?" Shimmer burst out from a cave behind them "Can i come tooooo!"

"sure" Qibli said 

they turned into the ball room, many dragons were dancing and talking and eating. 


Sandwings gathered around him, greeting him and touching his white and blue scales. Qibli fell down laughing.

"KARAOKE TIME BABY" Smolder ran in shouting 

"Smolder, stop putting me in places i cant get out of!" a tiny scavenger ran after him "SMOLDER" 

"Did that scavenger just speak dragon?" Winter chased after smolder

thorn opened her wings "alright everyone, Winter, would you like to do karaoke first?"

"whatever that is, sure" Winter stopped following Smolder and walked over to thorn

Thorn nodded to winter "what song do you like"

"Eh, i dunno" Winter nodded to the list "I know all the songs on there"

"Break my heart from the top!" Thorn called to the music band 

many dragons sat down and watched winter. winter recalled the lyrics and started to sing.

(Song by dua lipa)

"I've always been the one to say the first goodbye" Winter turned his head to glance at thorn "had to love and lose a hundred million times"

Qibli clapped his talons "Had to get it wrong to know just what I like" he sang along

"Now I'm fallin'"

"You say my name like I have never heard before I'm indecisive but this time I know for sure" Winter recalled the words "I hope I'm not the only one that feels it all! Are you fallin'?"

Shimmer jumped up beside him and joined in, shortly after Qibli did the same

"Center of attention You know you can get whatever you want from me" Qibli sang

"Whenever you want it, baby" Shimmer cried out

"It's you in my reflection Now I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me If I would've known it, baby" They sang in unison

"I would've stayed at home 'Cause I was doin' better alone" Winter sang "But when you said, "Hello" I know that was the end of it all"

All the dragons did a loud clap and joined the three dragons in song "I should've stayed at home 'Cause now there ain't no letting you go Am I falling in love With the one that could break my heart?"

Shimmer sang louder then all of them "Oh no, I was doin' better alone But when you said, "Hello" I know that was the end of it all"


While they continued to sing, Moonwatcher became a dragon again. she used darkstalkers  magic to turn her back into herself before she died.

 Darkstalker, let me be myself, un magic me this moment! Moons head screamed

no answer. magic-moon walked into the mass of sandwings. her black scales standing out in the crowd. Qibli noticed and stopped singing. he grabbed Winters shoulder and pointed at Moonwatcher.

the music stopped, the dancing and singing stopped, everyone stared at moon. "Hello" she said

"M-moon?" Qibli started to shake "Is that really y-you?"

"Yes Qibli, it really is me" She opened her wings, the stars glowed brightly. "Winter, Shimmer" 

"M-M-Moon?!? I thought she died" shimmer exclaimed

"She is... how is this possible" thorn rose and lept down to her "Moonwatcher?"

She smiled "Im alive, an animus brought me to life"

"How?" thorn asked "thats the only thing an animus cant do"

"Its stonger then one animus, twelve animus" She said "and im here for Winter"

{| Hello! do you want your oc to be featured in this fanfic? give me your best animus dragon!! i personally dont like Winterwatcher, so it might be a little cringe the next chapter :/ well! may starclan light your path today and forever (Warrior cat phrase? :O) |}

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