Chapter seven: Son gone missing, sandy heart beating

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Winter woke up and yawned. normal. ordinary. typical. you name it, it was normal.

Winter walked out of the house and stopped by Riptides house/mail house. "Ay, Winter, you got mail!" 

"Really?" Winter hopped it was from qibli, please be from qibli. 

it was from Qibli. Winter smiled so big, riptide about laughed. he rushed outside and opened the scroll.

"Dear -inter" Winter saw little droplets of water covering some words and letters, tears maybe? "i wish this was a hap-y lett-r. but Shimmer ha- gone missing and there is a note from a s-cret group of mur-ers and assassins. they took him and are demandin- we go m--t him. ill be outside the castle at dawn tomorrow, i exp-ct to see you there"

"great ice" Winter dropped his letter, his SON, his only connection to qibli was missing. "I have to go, i cant let him die"

Winter told riptide everything, even his crush on qibli. (that was the biggest mistake of his life) riptide allowed him to go, as long as he told qibli how he felt. if he did not, he would tell him.

Winter burst out the door and flew all the way to the sand kingdom. he burst through the entrance and tumbled into thorn. "This is a first" thorn laughed

"Where is qibli? where is the note?" winter asked, bursting with fear and exhaustion.

Thorn led him to qiblis room and left. Winter thought about knocking, but instead walked right in. The room was bright yellow, the windows allowing the sun to poor through. in the room were to beds, and two sides. one was the color of ice and a little black, it had night stars bedset. on the other was a plain yellow bed, dresser, and...

Qibli drew me? what the heck, he missed me?

"W-winter!" qibli exploded. he knocked down the picture with his tail. he flung himself onto winter and started crying so hard, he only took a breath every other eternity according to winters brain.

"Qibli i-"

"Winter, i love you, I LOVE YOU" Qibli stopped crying and hugged him tighter

"that makes two of u-"

"shut up and kiss me" Qibli snapped

Winter followed rules, even when his brain was screaming no, even when his brain did not process anything yet. So, his brain followed qibli's rule, he kissed him.

They sat like that for a minute before Qibli pulled away. "That- i'm- you- i- You like me to?"

Winter nodded, his scales became a heap of seawing blue. Qibli about turned pink from they way he was looking, he smiled slightly.

"well, my little Qibli is all grown up" thorn said, not even caring anymore "Forget my rules, go save your son"

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