Chapter four: thorn

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The three dragons arrived at midnight. Winter snorted at the sandy decor Thorn had chosen for her outpost. 

"Here we are, home at last" Qibli sighed, pushing his feet further into the sand.

Winter mumbled something like 'yeah, you are'. Shimmer giggled and threw up his wings. Qibli squinted up at the stronghold, searching for Thorn.

"Qibli, is that you?" A dragon with six claws walked out into the moonlight "And do you have..."

"Six-claws! hey! remember Winter?" Qibli rushed over to him, hugging him.

Winter flinched, frowning deeper. "Hello, Six-claws. This is Qibli and I's dragonet" He sniffed

"you two have a... how?" Six-claws stepped back "I-i should get Thorn"

Six-claws raced inside, leaving Qibli, Winter, and Shimmer outside. "Smooth Winter, real smooth" Qibli growled

"What? i was not lying" Winter held the dragonet closer "Get used to it, murderer" 

"I did not kill Moon! Winter, get that in your FREEZING HEAD" Qibli hissed

Winter dropped Shimmer on the sand and advanced towards Qibli. they spat rude remarks and began to fight. Shimmer looked at his parents, fear in his eyes.

"Qibli! i expected better of you" Said Thorn, walking out of the stronghold "Winter, you dropped the poor thing!"

Thorn picked up Shimmer and grabbed Qibli's neck. she dragged them all inside and into Qibli's room.

"Im sorry, Thorn, Winter was accusing me of murdering Moon" he dipped his head "I wish for you to forgive me"

"I do, Winter, come with me" winter followed Thorn out the room.

Qibli searched his room, looking for the slightest hint of Moon's sent. Qibli sighed and walked over to Shimmer, who thorn had left on his bed.

"Hi Shimmer, how are you hunny?" Qibli smiled at him.

"Bap, Wiker and yop fight. Thon safe meh" He squeaked

"Awh, im sorry, ill try not to" Qibli nuzzled him "I have something for you"

he dug through his room, again, and pulled out a small earring. he clipped it onto his ear, adjusting it just right.

"Moon gave it to me" he whispered "Its a moonstone earring"

Shimmer opened his small eyes wide and touched it. "Pweety" he said

Winter walked back in, mumbling to himself. he sat next to Qibli and looked into Shimmer's eyes.

"Thorn said this relationship might not work" Winter mumbled "She said we should split his time with each of us"

Qibli's face fell. i should have confessed i loved him... its to late now

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