chapter 16: Winter and Moonwatcher

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Moon... holding my talon... alive! looking at me like she cares! oh moons, Qibli! don't think about him, think about Moon! Winter smiled sheepishly

"Winter, are you... um.... with someone now?" she asked "I-i mean, like in love with someone?"

Darkstalker lifted his spirit into MoonWatchers body, he had to destroy Qibli if it was the last thing he did. he had saved the icewings from his spell, and taken Winter out of his worship spell.

"Err.... ummm... i- Ye- no- i- is-" he struggled to word "I mean yes"

"Oh" she frowned "Who?" 

Darkstalker knew very much who, he just wanted to act like he was just Moon, not knowing anything.

"Qibli" he managed "Our son is Shimmer" 

"Oh- well" she looked down at her talons "I just wanted to tell you... i like you, alot, more then i ever liked Qibli" 

(REMEBER FOLKS, Honey_Esa aka me does not like WinterWatcher, so i am struggling to think of how to word)

Winter's head spun like an iceberg thrown into the ocean. his dream of being with moon could come true! all he had to say was i like you to and he could have his dream become reality

"Im sorry, i cant say the same" he sighed. he could NEVER betray Qibli

Moon growled and purple haze drifted from her eyes. she stood up, but Moon was not moon any longer. she was Darkstalker.

"I'm sorry too" He said in Moon's voice "because now i'm going to have to put a love spell on you!"


Qibli sat with Thorn in her quarters. the party had ended early and everyone was sent home. Shimmer lightly rested his claw on Qibli's forearm. 

"I cant belive she's alive!" Qibli cried into thorn "But she told me she didn't want to see me!"

"Its okay dad" shimmer said sadly "At least she did not demand for your execution..."

the ache in his heart pulled him away from reality. the two years they'd been together... it way replaying in his mind.

"you cant catch me!" Qibli cried, jumping onto the couch "You will never have me alive!"

Moon had laughed and tackled him. they both burst into giggles.

a different memory... Qibli and Moon sat together, watching the moons rise overhead. Moon made a joke that Qibli would become Qibliwatcher if he continued to watch the moons with her

 Something pulled Qibli back to reality. was it a knock on the door?. Thorn rose and opened the door. Winter and Moon walked in, laughing about something.

from Qibli's side, he felt shimmer tighten and grab Qibli's forearm tighter. he pulled Qibli's head down to meet his eyes. horror and fear shone in them.

"Winter... is in love with moon" he started to cry.

Qibli thought for a moment, how did shimmer- wait, he was a Mind reader. he felt his entire body go numb. His love, Winter, and his old love, Moonwatcher.... were falling for eachother...

Qibli felt like he was falling, darkness pulled at his wings and teeth seemed to sink into him at every body part.

"Thorn, we need to talk to you, alone" Moon said, glaring at Shimmer and Qibli.

Thorn nodded and took them outside.

"DAD!" shimmer yelled when he heard the footsteps fade out. "Moon cant see my thoughts, and she doesn't know im a mind reader!!"  he hurried on "She is planning to marry winter in two days!"

Qibli felt alone for the first time sense the day his mother sold him. "Shimmer, i-i cant go on like this" Qibli started to panic "I cant let anyone close to me go, ever"

Qibli held Shimmer close. he was NOT going to let him go... not until they day he met his end...

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