Chapter five: Split time

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It had been a few years sense that day in Thorns stronghold. Shimmer has been excepted to Jade mountain. During school holidays, he stayed in sanctuary with Winter. and during summer, he stayed with Qibli in thorns stronghold. 

Winter spent his days teaching about scavengers, while Qibli worked for thorn as Prince Qibli. 

Shimmer had gotten glasses for his poor sight, and always kept his earring on. he wore a crown 24/7, making Winter smile seeing his son wearing his old crown.

"Students, welcome our new student, Prince Shimmer" Said Tsunami "he is Qibli and Winter's son"

"how" growled a Leafwing (Yes, they are HERE in my story) "They are both boys"

Shimmer blushed "Magic" he said

Shimmer pushed up his glasses and sat by a seawing-rainwing. "Hi, im Breeze" she said

"oh- erm- hey" He answered.

"My dad made you" she whispered "Turtle did"

Kinkajou and Turtles daughter, i need to meet the dragon who made me... thought Shimmer

"weird dragon, don't talk to me" said the leafwing.

"i wo-"

"I told you not to" she flipped her head

He banged his head on the floor. Stupid, stupid, stupid, why did Winter and Qibli send me here? Ugh! i hate them

Shimmer gasped out loud. few faces looked at him, questioning, hostile, sorrow. I dont hate them! why why why would i even CONSIDER letting that into my brain!

After school, Shimmer returned to sanctuary (He does not have a dorm there) where he found winter teaching in the scavenger pen. he quickly took off Moonwatchers gift to qibli, the moonstone earring, and hid it under his crown.

"And- oh, students, this is my son, Shimmer" Winter turned his head to smile at the young dragon.

"Hi" he said sheepishly

"Oooh! whos your mate sir winter?" Asked a Seawing dragonet.

"No one" He said, but he whispered 'qibli' under his breath.

"My mate was brutally murdered by a sand-snorter" winter stomped his foot and glared at Shimmer not to talk.

"I-ill see you later, im with qibli this week, i just dropped in to say hi and grab my things" Shimmer mumbled, walking away

"Ooooh! who is Qibli? is he HOT" asked the same Seawing dragonet

Shimmer quickly gathered his things and started his fly to the sand kingdom. He sighed and dragged out his panicky thoughts. Is winter okay? does he like qibli? when should i meet Turtle? is Kinkajou nice? Will breeze let me come? will turtle run like he did when he gave me to winter?

"Wow, im a wreck" he finally dragged out of himself. in the distance stood the castle, regal and beautiful.

He walked into the stronghold and made his way to qibli's room. he heard thorns voice and quiet sobs from his room. he stood at the door and peeked in.

"Thorn, what do you mean i cant SEE winter ever again?" asked qibli in a shaking voice

"he has... problems, qibli. i am sorry" Thorn responded

"Then i- thorn, put my winter drawing BACK right now" Qibli narrowed his eyes at thorn

Thorn put in down and backed up. "Qibli, you need to pull yourself together before Shimmer gets here, he'll be here soon"

"I'm here already" Shimmer opened the door "I see..."

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