Chapter 8: the adventure

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Winter followed Qibli on fast wings. there were only two circles Winter knew of, the circle  in the old night kingdom, and the Sandwing kingdom circle. 

"Qibli, shouldn't we check the circle here first?" Winter asked.

Qibli shook his head "No, it must be the NightKingdom"

Winter sighed and followed him. they flew faster and faster, soaring high in the sky. the sun beat down on winter, he stuck out his tongue like a dog and hoped Qibli wouldn't see. 

Sweat dripped off winter, he disliked it more then he disliked Icicle. Qibli seemed to hold up fine, he was made for this weather.

"Uh, Qibli, can we stop and rest" Winter asked, hating himself for being weak.

"Sure" Qibli dove for the nearest rocky outcropping. they landed and rested in the shade.

"I hope Shimmer is alright..." Qibli sighed 

Winter silently agreed, he was worried for the small dragonet he'd cared for so much. he knew Qibli would loose his strength if Shimmer was badly damaged or dead.

Winter saw a shimmer in the sand, he dug it up and gasped. "A dreamvisitor!"

Qibli shot out his talon and grabbed it. "Ill dreamvisit him!"

Winter grabbed it asnwell. "Can we both? we can figure out how"

Qibli and winter put both there heads on it and thought of Shimmer. they suddenly were in JMA, Shimmer cowing in the corner.

"Hahahahaha!" the kids were saying "The messed up kid who's a mistake" the chanted "The not-prince not-dragon"

Winter got to his feet and jumped in front of Shimmer. he held up his wings and sprayed frost breath at them. they staggered back, coughing, then advanced again.

Qibli jumped on the lead student, trampling the green leafwing. the students dissapeared and left the three dragons alone.

"Shimmer!" Qibli cried, running up to him

Winter put down his massive wings and turned around. "Are you alright?"

he nodded and explained who the kids were. "where are you? were searching for you?" 

"the sandwing circle, you need the get there before the leader of the Kinks returns" Shimmer mumbled

"Lets go!"

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