Chapter fourteen: Shimm-oops!

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It was lonely all alone. or at least that is what Moonwatcher thought.

"A dash of evil" Said Darkstalkers voice "A drop of murder" 

Moon looked up at Darkstalker, he kept her held tightly in his talons. Every time he said a dash of, or a drop of, (ext) Moon would feel his animus powers going into her like knives.

"Moon, Moon, Moon" He sang "Go spread some evil and horror!"


Qibli climbed up to the top of Thorns throne, touching  the blank wall. "We should put that painting of you and smolder here"

Thorn flew up and placed the painting on the wall. she smiled at it and glanced at Qibli.

"When will winter get here?" Thorn asked "He is moving here, correct?"

"Yes ma'm" Qibli jumped down "He and shimmer will arrive soon"

Thorn flew down to the floor "We will celebrate him coming with a party" Thorn said "To let everyone know he is under outclaw protection, my son in law, and a prince" 

Qibli thanked her and flew to his new room.  he picked up paint buckets in the colors of light cyan and light yellow.  he painted swirls on the walls in the two colors, mixing them in different patters. 

"Is this- oh, dad!" Shimmer ran in "AHHH" he slammed into the fresh paint

"Shimm- oops!" He stepped in the bucket of paint.

"Wow- looks like sandwing are clumsy" Winter said from the doorway "And half sandwings as well"

"Winter!" Qibli exclaimed "We slipped"

"I am aware" Winter looked them over " 'haughty sniff' "

Qibli burst out laughing "An impression of yourself? Wow! its PERFECT"

Winter glanced around the room "So err, should we shop for something because there is litterly nothing here"


the snow in the ice kingdom was cold between is talons. the wind whipped at his face. suddenly, the sky turned black and the snow became ash and a volcano sprouted out of the ground. 

"Hello Winter!" Moon jumped out of the volcano "Ive been watching you!"

"What- how- your dead!" Winter stepped back from his JMA crush 

"Darkstalker! he's helped me!" Moon said "and you now have a choice!"

"What is it?" Winter asked "Dont hurt me"

"You can stay with Qibli" She rolled her eyes "That idiot cant tell the difference between a nightwing and icewing" 

"hey dont say that!" Winter cried

"Or!" Moon laughed psychotically "I CAN COME TO LIFE AGAIN! and you can be with ME HAHAHAHA"

Winter was now faced with a hard choice... Moon, or Qibli?


Qibli shook Winter awake, he was struggling in his sleep.

"MOON" he cried

"Winter? whats wrong?" Qibli asked

Winter flew to the ceiling. "Moon is stalking my dreams"  

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