Chapter 12: Past fights, Presents, and Future seeing

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it twas a snow morning in sanctuary. the sun covered by clouds, little snowdrops falling softly to the ground. Winter was building a snow-dragon with Shimmer while Qibli started a fire. 

Winter... Moons voice hissed in Winter's ears, I can seeeee how your future with Qibli will end, Darkstalker showwwwedddd mee

Winter shook off Moon's voice, grabbing more snow from the ground and stuffing it into a leg shape. Shimmer looked a little shaken, like he could hear Winters thoughts.

"Winter! Shimmer! Sunny and her friends are here!" Qibli called "So is, Riptide, Deathbringer, Peril, Fatespeaker, and a few others"

Winter straightened up and walked up to the founders of Jade mountain. "Hey Sunny, is thorn coming?" He asked

Sunny nodded "She's going to be late, Smolder is still helping Flower learn dragon"

Winter nodded, making his way to Qibli. Pretty soon, the entire backyard was filled with the jade winglet (past), jade winglet (present), the dragonets of destiny, thorn, smolder, and Winters parents and siblings.

Shimmer got his friends from the jade winglet (Present) and rushed up to his room. Qibli told stories of Moonwatcher to the jade winglet (Past). and Winter talked to the other dragons.

"Alright every dragon!" Winter called "Can some-dragon get Shimmer and his friends? thanks Hailstorm, is everyone ready to give there presents?"

they all cheered in agreement. they waited for Shimmer and his friends, then they all passed out presents to everyone. 

Qibli got many jewels, so many he looked like a huge necklace. Shimmer got a stone from Turtle, it was a communication device to his friends at the Jade Winglet (Present).

Winter unwrapped his gift, he gaped when he pulled it out. it was the drawing of Moon he'd made when he was at Jade Mountain.

"Qibli!" Winter said "w-were did you get this? i thought i lost it!"

Qibli laughed. "I have my ways..."

"Winter" Tundra suddenly said "May i speak with you?"

Winter followed her inside while the other dragons unwrapped their gifts. "yes mother?"

Tundra looked a tad bit uncomfortable. "you see- well, i was really the only one who loved you when you lived with us..."

Winter stepped back "really?"

Tundra nodded "yes, now, for my question" Tundra put on a hilarious face "when ae you going to PrOpOsEeEeE"

- - -

Winter was in the ring shop. tundra had pulled him out of the house during the party to drag him here. 

"Hmmmm" Tundra bent down and picked up a sapphire ring. "i like this one"

Winter nodded, it was in a shape of an icicle. it would be a symbol of Winter, even when he's not around. 

they bought it and flew back. tundra told him he should propose tonight, right before midnight, before the party ended.

Winter entered the backyard, slamming right into Qibli. he quickly put the ring under his talon, smiling up at Qibli. 

"Where were you? Shimmer told us he had MIND READING POWERS" Qibli shouted

"tundra needed help with something, wait- WHAT"

Shimmer walked up laughing nervelessly "hahahahaha... HAHA... haha.." he stopped "Moonwatcher is dead, winter, the voice in your head is yourself"

Winter growled at him, pointing to Qibli, then to his head then to Shimmer. Shimmer, im going to propose to him tonight, shhh, don't worry him

Shimmer smiled and grabbed Qibli's arm, dragging him away to his friends. 

Winter quickly grabbed the ring and ran inside. he hid it in his bed, then ran outside, ready to wait till midnight.

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