chapter 18: Weddings and curses

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Cobra, Qiblis mother who hated him, the one who betrayed him, the one who let Grandfather near him his first years, was now Qiblis only friend.

Thorn had gotten mad at shimmer, and gave him a talking to. but he had hurt her feelings, and she'd let him free.

Qibli sat miserably in the front row of the wedding. Cobra held his talon. "here comes the bride, here comes the bride" the song began

Moonwatcher strolled down the isle, smiling and waving. when she passed Qibli, she mouthed 'sorry not sorry'. Winter sat in the front, smiling and waiting for his bride.

"Qibli, i now feel stupid for all the time i called you mean things" she mumbled "im sorry"

he forgave her and started to cry silently. "winter.... why did you betray me..." 

Shimmer came strolling behind Moon, standing at her side. "Before we begin" he said "Ide like to say, Im glad to have Moon as my new mother, ive never had one before, and Qibli, im never coming back here after this"

Cobra stood up and ripped off her cape. "NO ONE TALKS TO MY SON LIKE THAT"

everyone gasped. Cobra threw herself at Shimmer and threw her tail into his leg. he howled in pain as the tail bard struck him. Thorn jumped out from the last row and threw cobra off. he called for her outclaws who carried him off to the healers.

"cobra, what are you doing outside of your cell?" Thorn growled "and what are you doing by QIBLI!"

"Qibli let me out, after this sparkly dragon betrayed him" she hissed at Winter.

"what? why would i betray qibli? he is so kind and awesome" he said "i never betrayed him"

"SPELL!" Called a dragon in the back, in the row reserved 'animus friends', "ITS A LOVE SPELL"

"Ugh, why wont you let me ruin Qibli's life?" Moon asked, Turning into a huge dragon "In so borrrrred with this, lets just kill him!" The voice was no longer MoonWatcher, but Darkstalkers.

qibli shot into the sky, flying as fast as he possibly could. a few of the animus followed him, the others stayed behind, helping everyone inside.

"Qibli!" said a voice from behind the animus('s??) "Wait, im under a spell, can you stop and cure meeee!"

one of the animus dragons turned around, took Winters shoulder, and said "I enchant Winter the icewing to be free of all Darkstalkers spells"

Winter about fell out of the sky "QIBLI" she shouted "Qibli, im so so so so so incredibly sorry!"

Qibli kept flying, hoping he'd avoid winter for a while. they landed in the Silkwing kingdom and hurried to the castle made of webs.

"Queen Luna!" Called Qibli "Queen luna!"

a stunning Silkwing ran out to greet them. "yes?"

"Darkstalkers spirit is back!" He cried, out of breath "and he's here to kill me!"

{| the next two chapters will be the last (Ill make special occasion bonus chapters doe!) :( i need animus Oc's! after im finished with this Qinter story, ill be making a new one called 'MoonWatchers calling', its going to have Qinter in it dont worry!! BUT I CANT MAKE THE LAST TWO WITHOUT ANIMUS OC'S!! |}

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