Chapter eleven: if i could rewind...

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Qibli knew Winter would be back soon, he had changed. he pried open his jaw and sprayed fire around him. it warmed him as he waited.

"Sandwing? Out this far" Asked a stern voice from behind Qibli

Qibli spun around, jaws open to spray a burst of fire at the voice. He realized the annoyed look of a skywing and closed his jaws. 

"So- wait, Qibli?" The skywing stepped into the fire, not burning at all.

"Thats me" He said. Orangeish, slightly white, dressed  with jewls, not burning... this is Princess Ember

"Oh, hello Qibli! i was just visiting Thorn, then i flew this way to do my weekly begging of the IceWings to let me see Snowdrop!" Ember smiled

"Winter is with her right now, he's visiting his family" Qibli nodded next to him "Come sit here, she'll drop him off soon"

Ember sat and picked at her spikes. "So, is it true?" She suddenly asked "You and Winter?"

Qibli thought he might turn pink, so, he just nodded. Ember about burst, she was very excited. 

"So, will Winter move into the palace?" 

"No, he works in sanctuary" 

"Eh, well, will you adopt?"

"We have a son, his name is Shimmer"

"Wait- what?" Ember asked "really? i thought he was a SandWing with blue paint on him"

Qibli shook his head and glanced up, he saw six dragons flying towards the fire. "Winter!" 

Winter landed, the other's beside him. "Mom, Dad, Icicle, Hailstorm, Snowdrop, this is Qibli, my new boyfriend"

Tundra (Winters mom) looked horrified, Narwhal (His dad) Also looked horrified. Icicle and Hailstorm stepped back half worried for his sanity, half worried for his life outside of the kingdom.

"E-ember?" Snowdrop finally noticed the Skywing. Ember grabbed her talon and raced away from them.

Snowdrop who was being dragged away started laughing. "Qibli, hello, i'm Winter's mother"

"Hello SandWing, im his father" Said Narwhal. 

"I know you SandWing" Icicle snapped

"Your one of my rescuers!" Hailstorm smiled

They talked for what felt like hours. Qibli was dragged away by Winters parents who told him to keep winter safe. 

Durring that awkward time, Winter could hear the voice of Moon echoing in his head.

Winter.... traitor.... you STOLE Qibli... if i was alive would you change your mind and rewind to be with me...? HAHAHAHAHA YOU WILL DIE!

Winter thought about that. no- he would not. he did not steal Qibli, Moon LEFT him by dying. And he would not die anytime soon.

Qibli was dragged back into the fiery circle by winters parents. they thanked Winter for introducing them to him and told him to visit soon- but not too soon.

Soon, the pair were flying back to the SandWing stronghold. Shimmer was talking with Thorn about that types of cactus were for venom scratches when they arrived.

Thorn greeted them with open wings. "We have guests! Princess Ember and Queen Snowdrop are here for dinner, Qibli, Winter, Shimmer, help me set our tables."

They agreed and set the table, making each place mat as perfect as they could. Shimmer measured everything, telling Qibli and Winter where to reset stuff and where to replace it.

"Man, our son is smart" Winter whispered

"he got it from me" Qibli chuckled

"i bet" Winter gave him a 'im so smartttt dud' face.

they burst out laughing, Shimmer was just happy to see them together again.

Should i skip to their wedding? or continue with a bit each week/few days?


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