chapter 19: Defeating Darkstalker... again

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Luna led them into the cocoon palace. the animus dragons behind him chatted slilently.

Wait... i forgot! i AM an animus! Qibli smiled, remembering his gift from turtle

"Qibli" winter approached him "Moo- Darkstalker put another spell on me, how can i be sure no other dragon will?"

"I-i dunno" qibli stuttered "I-i think we can come up with some sort of secret book to keep our days in"

Winter nodded and went to go look at some curious SilkWings in the room. 

"Sir Qibli" an animus came up behind him "Im Lady Dreamcatcher" 

"Ah yes" Qibli remembered her "Dreamcatcher, the genral of the Night Dragons!"

She nodded "the animus are planning on how to defeat darkstalker... we have a plan, just lead him here"

a rainwing-seawing came up behind him and lightly touch his back "Hi, im Seahorse, i can help you lead him here"

Qibli smiled "sure, lets go catch a Darkstalker!"


they flew for a few minuites in silence before SeaHorse shouted "DarkStalker has Shimmer!"

Qibli Dove towards the massive dragon. "BACK AWAY"

he was to late, Darkstalker thrust his talon at Shimmer and threw him into the dirt, a yelp of pain came from the smaller dragon.

Qibli roared a roar of anger. he used his newly gifted animus magic to enchant darkstalkers magic to dissapear.


Qibli flew to his son and scoped up his limp body. "Shimmer, honey?" he whispered

No response came from the young dragon. Qibli felt tears form in his eyes. 

he was going to KILL darkstalker if it was the last thing he did...

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