Chapter 15

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Lanea's POV

Today was in fact not a good day.

I had a quiz in almost every class and I forgot to study for all of them. I lost my sunglasses and someone vandalized my locker.

I go to the locker room to change into my chores and apply some deodorant cause I don't want to be sweating and smelling bad during tryouts.

I go to my car to drop my bags and leaving me with my keys phone and some water.

As I walk back into I start texting Charlie to give her some advice


Okay so how should I approach breaking up with him?

I think you should just break up with over text

Wouldn't that be mean. I don't want to hurt his feelings

He wasn't thinking about your feelings when he was cheating on you.

To early for the joke


My bad I think maybe you should wait till his next football match and then dump him right before so he does badly

But that's really mean

You are to nice let just meet up later. I have tryouts right now so maybe at 7. We can meet at the mall.

Ok I'll see you later

I look up from my phone to see where the people are for the tryouts but the dance room is empty minus a girl that's walking out.

"Hey do you know where the girls are for the dance tryouts?"

"Coach changed the location last minute so we are having practice on the court." She says

I run over to the girl and learn her name is Aaliyah. We talk for a bit and I realize we have a lot in common.

We go to the bleachers and drop our things then go to the rest of the team to stretch before learning the dance.

30mins later

I had finished learning the dance and only God knows why we are learning a 7-8min dance just for auditions but whatever.

Some groups go first and then it was time for me. I was meant to go with a group but Brooklyn decide to go and open her mouth about me not paying attention.

( Imagine a royal family or next kidz dance)

I got to my position and  get ready to perform with the coach.


Giovanni's POV

I'm not going to lie I was actually I am extremely jealous that's Lanea has found a new friend that very obviously likes her.

She already has a nickname for her and it's been a day it took 4 months for her to call me Gio.

As much as I tried to focus during practice I couldn't. The coach said we stopping at the basketball court to go the the weight room but we all know he's in love with the dance coach and just wants to see her.

We all walk in and i see all the girls at the bleachers minus Lanea who's in a pose and facing them.

Some girl plays the music and she and the coach starts her routine. I look at her outfit and honestly can't keep my eyes of her.

I wanted to scold all the guys for just staring at her but to be fair I'm not better than any of them.

After about 5mins the dance ends and all the girls start clapping and us boy join in as well

I heard a lot of whispers

'Her ass is fat'

Yea it is

'I never new dancing could be that tiring'


"Is she single"

Ok thats enough

She turns around and is met with the eyes of about 30 of us. She looks at me and waves. I wave back obviously then she turns around and goes to her team.

"Alright boys enough with the staring let's get to it.

"Coach why you acting like you wasn't staring and the Dance Coach."

"Of course I was staring she my wife."
He says then shows us the ring on his finger.

"Oh my god. Why didn't you tell us?" One of them asks and the coach deciders to tell us their love story instead of us practicing.

Lanea's POV

Tryouts just ended and I quickly get Aaliyah's number so we can talk later and I walk out of the court. I go to my car and I get a chill up my spine.

I stop in my tracks and look below my car to see if anyone's there, thank fully there wasn't, and I stood back up. I enter my car and I see a note on the dashboard.

Wanda Yana tambeya baya bachewa

(One who doesn't ask will never know)

Who in the world put this here. I quickly drive home and head to my room. My parents aren't around at the moment so I can tell them yet so I'll just have to wait.

I take a shower and change into a hoodie and sweatpants even though I don't want to leave I get up and go back to my car to meet up with Charlie.
Hope you guys enjoy

___________________________ Hope you guys enjoy

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