Chapter 30

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Giovanni POV

A few weeks have passed and Lanea hasn't really spoken since. She just says some words here and there.

I'd catch Lanea staring off into another world for hours at a time. We decided to temporarily move her into the guest room. Even though we don't know what her parents did we know they were part to the reason for her current pain so we moved her things out of the house.

I told my parents about what had happened and they definitely not pleased. They try looking for her parents but it seems that they haves moved to a different country or even continent for all we know.

Sometimes when I'd come back from school I'd hear Lanea cries from the training room. Which she spends most of her time in.  It today I refuse to let that happen. It was about 4pm on a Saturday and I decided that taking Lanea outside might make her feel better.

I went to the guest room and knock on her door she says she's coming. She's wrapped in the blanket as she opens the door and she looks adorable.

I close the door behind me and she all to her bed.

"Can I speak to you about it."

"Yes of course."

"To keep it short my parents sold me off to some people and they took me to a big house. There was a lady there who did something with a remote and caused me to not be able to use my body. And she raped me. I'd give more details but it don't really want to think about it."

My eyes twitch at the fact that I was correct all a long. Her parents really were trash."We're going to find who did that to you."

She shift's uncomfortably "you don't need to worry about that."

"Why not."

"I killed her."

Well then.

"One moment I was on the bed the next I was covered in blood and she dead and her dismembered body is next to me and her eyes in my hands.  Worst of all everyone in the house was dead as well."

"We should go out."

She furrows her eyebrows a little

"To get your mind of things for a little the. We can talk about therapy."

"I don't need therapy I'm fine."

"No you aren't. I'm not going to argue with you about this especially not right now so get changed and we're heading out." I say and leave the room.

Considering the time of the year and it was close to Christmas I decided to wear something more warm.

Considering the time of the year and it was close to Christmas I decided to wear something more warm

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I spray some cologne on and brush my teeth before getting my wallet and phone. I go down the stairs and towards Laneas room.

Opening the door I see the wardrobe door is open  and she's her back is towards me. She seems to be singing a song lowly as she looks for some jewelry to wear.

"You always staring my goodness." She says while putting her necklace on well attempting to.

She turns around and sees my outfit.

"Rest in peace to the bitches just dying to be me."

I notice that we're wearing similar things

And she paired her outfit with some white sock as and heeled loafers

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And she paired her outfit with some white sock as and heeled loafers.

I roll my eyes and walk closer to noticing her constant failure at putting on the necklace.

"Hold your hair up" and she obliges

I clip the necklace I gave her with my birth year on it. She releases her hair and looks into the mirror to make sure everything's in place. Our eyes meet in the mirror.

"Ok let's go." She says breaking contact and attempting to walk away but I pull her back. I hold her jaw and bring her into a deep kiss. I abruptly stop and she looks confused.

"What happened." She ask frantically

"I'll give you more after you go to therapy." And she rolls her eyes.

"Bitch." She mutter as we walk to the car.

I drive us to the city and park it was almost completely dark out side and the city was bright and busy.

Going to her side I open the door and help her out.

I grab her hand in mine and walk around. We talk and get some food being sold on the street and buy some souvenirs and clothes. We ended up in same museum as before after closing time.

We found a way to sneak in and walk around. I get my phone and play some piano jazz music.

"My lady." I say reaching out my hand and bowing a little. She turns to me and laughs a little, she takes of her heels making her significantly shorter while I take my jacket off and takes my hand.

She puts her other hand on my shoulder and I put mine on her waist reeling her in. We dance and glide around the floor making conversation here and there. I give her a final spin and as she faces back to me our noses touch.

We were both breathing heavily and the question was just at the top of my tongue. As I open my mouth she creases in pain and steps back.

"Lanea what happened."

"I dunno my head just-." She groans in pain again. She looks behind at the sculpture I made of her. "Follow me."

And I walk behind her.

She feel under the table holding it and a door opens in front of us. We see some trays of cassettes and hardrives. She picks one up and she freezes.

I take it from her and I see her her name on it and a date from 3years ago during the period she had no memory of.

She find some files and flips through them. Stopping at one she puts everything else down. "Lanea Gates, memory wipe procedure." Was the title I assume. I look at it and it's different memories in her life that have been deleted from her brain.

One of them was a date from before her memory gap and it was titled parents torture.

"So all the dreams were real. Your parents had any memory of them doing bad things to you erased."

Her breaths get heavy and she looks like she's struggling to breathe. As I go to calm her down she shuts down and reboots like a robot.

"Good afternoon, Lanea Gates at you service." She says with her hands behind her back and at an ease stance.

I look at her horrified and then she blinks profusely and relaxes her body. "What happened." She asks confused.

"We need to go now." I pack up everything and put it back then grab my jacket and she wears her shoes.

She enters the car and I drive immediately to my uncles house.

I starts speeding through traffic and arrive at his house. I knock and he lets me tho en noticing Lanea. By the way he looked at her I knew he knew what was up.

A/n a few more chapters left brothers and sisters.

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