Chapter 7

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The months passed by and the concert was approaching, my parents though, still wouldn't budge. Every time I tried to change their mind they just cut me off and told me I was to young. There was a constant tension between me and my parents now, they knew the concert was in two weeks and the tickets were long sold out but they thought I would somehow slip away and go see them anyway. And they were right.

Anna was released from the hospital two days after the incident, we never brought it up when she was around, the plastic surgeon had done everything he could but there still was a visible scar. Even though it was fading it bothered her, a lot.
She had lost all her trust in men and froze as soon as one even dared to look at her. I would go stand between them and try to calm her down, her therapist had learned her some breathing exercises for when this kind of stuff would happen. She was improving though, it took a month for her to go in public again and come back to school. The first day she had a panic attack when a boy tried to hug her, he wanted to comfort her but she totally freaked out and collapsed. I was so proud when she showed up again the next day. Little by little everything was going back to normal. She talked to our friends again managed a smile now and then. A lot of them had given up on her two months after, saying she was overreacting, she was taking to long. But the closest ones stayed.

The day Anna came out of the hospital was also the day Pete first liked a photo on my Instagram and actually commented on it, he said I looked beautiful and couldn't wait to meet me. I couldn't either. I'd been texting with Patrick almost every day, he always cheered me up and had helped me a lot with understanding Anna. He'd dealt with Pete's bipolar disorder for a couple of years now so he knew what to do.


It was the day of the concert. It was a Friday so I still had to go to school. I couldn't focus on anything, my thoughts always wandered off, to Pete, the plan, how much I've missed Patrick. At lunch I sat with Anna at a table in the back of the cafeteria. I looked around looking for our friends when I saw a girl stand in the middle of the room, she looked like she didn't know what to do and was about to cry. I quickly stood up and walked towards her. "Hi I'm Ali, is something wrong?"

She looked at me but her eyes wandered off every couple of seconds. "I'm Stacy. I'm new here, and I don't know anyone here."

"Oh, I know how it feels, come on you can sit with us." She thanked me with a small smile and followed me to the table. The others came in when I was talking to her so there wasn't much room left for her. I pulled a chair from a table next to us and motioned for the guys to give her some room to join. "Guys this is Stacy, she's new here." I pointed at her.

They all said hi and told her their names. She smiled at everyone and then looked down at her food. It looked to me she was really insecure, but very sweet. I made a mental note to show her around school and introduce her to some people.

When lunch was over I walked her to her class. She didn't say much but she was the kind of person that made silence comfortable. She smiled at me when she walked in and I headed for my own class.

By the end of the day I was almost running through the hallway. I really didn't need to though, the concert started at eight and the doors opened at seven. I had a couple of hours to kill. Anna was also going, but she didn't know about the plan. I wanted to surprise her. I was so proud she was coming, despite that there would be a huge crowd.
When I got home I snatched something to eat from the kitchen and ran up the stairs to my room. I spread my books over the desk so that if my parents barged in, it would seem like I was just taking a break from studying. I changed into the outfit I laid out three months ago. Anna and I went shopping for it, in case my parents changed their mind. I was wearing some black ripped skinny jeans, my newest Fall Out Boy top and a leather jacket . I put my black converse on and walked into the bathroom. I put my hair up in a high ponytail so that it wouldn't bother me. I didn't put on much make up, just some mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. Only twenty minutes had passed since I got home. It was 4:43 PM. I sighed and lay down in my bed. I grabbed my phone and started my Fall Out Boy playlist. An hour later my mom called for me to come down and eat. Luckily that hadn't seen me all day so they wouldn't notice I changed and act all suspicious and stuff.
After dinner I went back to my room and sat down on the ground, my back against the wall

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