Chapter 11

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I woke up to my head pounding and cold concrete pressing into my back. My body felt like I was ran over by a truck and I couldn't move. I opened my eyes but couldn't see anything, it was to dark. Where the hell am I? I turned my head as far as I could trying to find anything that would tell me where I was. Turned out I was in a small, square room with a window in the wall on my right. It was blacked out but there was a small gap witch let through a ray of sunlight. It fell on the wall opposite to it, making a yellow circle on the gray stone. I looked at it, fascinated while I slowly sat up. I pressed my hand against my temple when that movement hurt and when I pulled it back there was blood on my hand.

As I stared at my hand all the memories of the previous night came back to me. My mom pushing me against the wall and beating me. She was probably the one who locked me up in here. Now that I thought about it, this room looked a lot like our basement. If this was indeed out basement then the door should be right in front of me. I carefully stood up and took a few steps forward. I felt the wall and I felt with my hands until I found what seemed to be a door. I grabbed the doorknob and tried to open the door but it was locked. I did see light coming from beneath it. I lowered myself on my knees and looked through the keyhole. I saw the familiar staircase and the light bulb hanging from the ceiling. This was definately my basement. I searched my pockets for my phone and also the ground from where I was lying but my mom had probably taken it. I sighed and walked to the window. Last night I'd come home around 6:30 PM, now it seemed to be noon so I was out for pretty long. I wondered if Anna would be worried if she could reach me for this long, normally we talked every night or morning. But maybe my mom told her she'd taken away my phone because of my grades or something.

Either way, I was going to be here for quite a while.

Anna's POV (Surprise!)

I was worried sick about Ali, when she left last night she seemed scared as hell and now she wouldn't answer my calls or texts. Her mom had called my back though, she told me she took Ali's phone because her grades were dropping. They were, but she still did great in school. She was one of the best students of our year. I really wanted to go over to her place but I knew her mother would send me away with some excuse she had to study. I'd called everyone we both knew, hoping she would maybe be with one of them but no one had seen her since Friday. I was pacing up and down my room trying to figure out some way to find her. She had to be home, her mom wouldn't have said that if there was a possibility of me running in to her outside.

Maybe she was telling the truth tough, I knew what she thought about education.

I heard my mom calling me and opened my door.


"Are you coming down for dinner?"


I shot a glance at the clock against the wall, while I was worrying about Ali I hadn't noticed how much time had passed. It was already 7 PM.

"Yeah be down in a minute!"

I grabbed my phone of my bed and went downstairs. I put on a smile and sat down at the table. I didn't want my parent to know something was up, they would never believe Ali's mother was abusing her if I told them. I needed proof. And guessing by the fact that Ali seemed to have disappeared there would be a lot of proof. I ate without saying a word and went straight back upstairs after dinner. I packed my stuff for school tomorrow and tried calling Ali one more time, it went straight to voice mail. Her mom had turned it of, I sighed and put my phone back down. I was pacing again. If she didn't turn up for school tomorrow I had to tell someone, no matter that I promised her I wouldn't. For all I knew she could be dead or dying. Wait what if she was? What if her mother took it to far and killed her. Or she was lying somewhere in a corner bleeding out. No! Don't think about that! I took a deep breath and tried to stop trembling. I hadn't notice it started. If I didn't calm down quickly I was going to have a panic attack and I really couldn't use that right now. I changed into a loose shirt and crawled into bed. I scrolled through twitter for a bit, trying to distract myself from the fact that my best friends was missing but the harder I tried, the more I thought about it. I sighed and put my phone away, turning off my light. I pulled the sheets to my chin and closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

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