Chapter 21

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"I had an amazing time today, thank you." I said as Pete pulled up on my driveway.

"I did too, we should do this again sometime. I'm in Belgium for another week."

I smiled, this was like ninth grade all over again. "I'd love to, I'll call you." I kissed him on the cheek and got out of the car. I waved as he drove off before opening the door and walking in. When I turned around I found Stacy right behind me and I jumped in surprise. "STACY!"

"ALI!" She jelled back.

"Sorry, you surprised me."

She grinned and pulled me to the couch, maybe giving her a spare key wasn't such a great idea after all. We sat down and she looked at me with wide eyes and a childish-like expecting look on her face. I smiled and took off my coat before taking a deep breath and telling her everything.

"He fell asleep... While you were laying in his arms?"

"Well technically, I was laying on one arm and her wrapped the other one around me while he was sleeping." I explained.

"Still..." She frowned. "What's gonna happen next? I mean... do you want him back or not?"

"I don't really know anymore," I sighed. "I didn't, because of what he had said and done and I know taking someone back usually doesn't end well. But the way he acted today... that's the guys I fell in love with, and still love."

Stacy nodded and thought about it, she seemed exited, but then her face fell. "He's married."

Oh right. "Yeah... And has a child."

"Do you think he'll give it all up for you?"

"I don't know, I mean he's the one that came to me begging me to take him back. But I can tell he loves them when he talks about them." The thought of him loving someone else brought tears in my eyes. What else did I expect after five years? I'm just a child to him, it's like he said, I should be happy he even noticed me.

"Are you okay?" Stacy's soft voice brought me back to reality. She took my hand, squeezing it comforting. "You should ask him next time you see him."

I nodded. "I will. He's in Belgium for another week so I told him I'd call him to meet up again."

Stacy nodded. "Call him tomorrow, I'm staying over." She said with a big smile.
I laughed and pulled her in a hug. "Thanks." When I pulled away I gave her a serious look. "Now, I want pancakes."

"Yes!" Stacy made a little dance and ran to the kitchen with me following right behind her. We put all the ingredients on the counter and started mixing them together. The motionless stirring brought up another memory from one of the last good days between me and Pete.

I was woken up by the birds singing, the sun peeking through the curtains. I slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Pete up but he was making it hard on me. Last night he put one leg over mine and pulled me into his chest, still holding me tight the next morning. When I finally got out of the bed I went to the kitchen. I wanted to surprise him when he woke up. I got all the ingredients for pancakes and mixed them together. When that was done I put some butter in a pan and pored some of the mixture in. The first pancake failed miserably but the second was a nice golden brown color. I did a little dance of triumph and punched my fist in the air. I baked 'till I'd used all of the mixture and put the pancakes on two plates. I pored some syrup on top and decorated them with chocolate chips. I went back to our the bedroom and put the plates on a nightstand before jumping on top of Pete. He made some weird noises, best described as animal-like and tried to push me off. I laughed and tickled him 'till the opened his eyes. But instead of just opening his eyes, he turned us around so he was straddling me and started tickling me. I screamed and tried to get away from him but he was to strong. Eventually he stopped and gave me a kiss. "Good morning sunshine." He said with a big grin. I pulled a piece of hair out of my mouth and squinted my eyes at him. Then, I quickly got out from under him and climbed on his back, wrapping my arms and leg around his torso. Pete stood up, with me still on his back and then pulled me so that I was hanging on his chest. "Hi." I said. "I made you pancakes."  His eyes widened and he looked around the room trying to find them. "Yes! Thank you!" He put me down and sat on the bed only to pull me on his lap again. We took our plates and began shoving the pancakes in as fast as possible. Pete finished his plate sooner than I did and stole the last bit of my food. Then he hugged my tightly and kissed my neck lightly. "I love you."

"Ali? ALI"

"He what?"

"I think it's ready, don't you?"
What's ready?

I gave her a confused look but then it clicked. The pancakes. "Right, pancakes. Sorry."

"Are you okay?" Stacy seemed a bit worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just dozed of I guess."
She gave me a weird look but turned around and got the pan out. While Stacy baked the pancakes I hopped onto the counter. "What do you think I should do?"

She thought about it for a minute. "You clearly still love him and so does he. Also I always thought you two were perfect for each other you seemed so happy around him. But I can't get over what he did." She turned around to face me, frowning. "I ship you two though, I thing you should give him a second chance."
I smiled. "But only," She said, serious now. "If he'll divorce his wife, you shouldn't be the reason he cheats on her." I nodded. "Yeah, I wasn't planning to." Suddenly I smelled smoke.
"Stacy! Pancakes!"

"Oh shit!" She turned back around and immediately took the pan off the stove. I laughed and jumped off the counter. She slipped the last pancake on a plate and put them on the table.
"Do you realize we are eating pancakes at 2 am right after you went on a date with your ex who is married and has a child?"

I nodded. "Yes and I like it."

Stacy laughed and accidentally spit out a piece of her pancake. "Stacy you lost something." I said, still laughing. She playfully punched me in the arm and shove an even bigger piece in her mouth.
"That's why I love you." I smiled.

Hey guys

I actually really like this chapter, I don't know why but I like it. I hope you did too. Feel free to let me know what you thought of it and vote if you liked it. Thank you for reading.

Love you


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