Chapter 25

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I sighed in relieve as the plane finally touched down. I was never the person to sleep on a plane, or any moving thing for that matter, so the nine hour flight had worn me out completely. I followed Pete to the exit as soon as the doors opened and took a deep breath of fresh air coming through a crack between the plane door and the tunnel. We got our luggage and made sure all my boxes would be brought to Pete's house.
"Pete?" I suddenly realized something.
"Mmmh?" He asked with a faint smile.

"Has Ashlee moved out already?"

His expression suddenly changed "Shit no!" He shouted. "Oh god I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." I assured him. "It's not that big of a deal." Well this should be interesting.
We got into a cab and drove to his house in complete silence, mostly because I was exhausted and ended up lying on Pete's lap for the whole ride there. Pete played with my hair as I felt myself slip away but just as I drifted off the cab pulled over and Pete shook me lightly.
"Ali, we're here."

I groaned as I stretched and sat up. I rubbed my eyes, thank god I wasn't wearing make up today, and yawned. He chuckled and dragged me out the car by my hand. He got the luggage out of the trunk, paid the cabdriver and pulled me to the front door. Before we reached it though, it was swung open by Ashlee herself.
"Well would you look at that, my ex-husband to be and the little brad he's divorcing me for." She shouted.
I felt myself blush and looked down.

"Would you stop it already? It's not like you care anyway." Pete shot back.

Ashlee narrowed her eyes at him and then turned her gaze at me. "Well I hope you're perfectly happy then" She snarled, sarcasm dripping of her sweet voice. A sudden burst of anger shot through my body as my head snapped up. I put on the sweetest smile and grabbed Pete's hand.
"We will, we are. I'm so happy we met again after all that time."

Ashlee gasped and walked up to me. For a second it looked like she was going to slap me but she restrained herself. Instead she brought her face very close to mine. "Watch it bitch, I'm not done with this." She growled and then walked back inside the house, only to reappear with her bags and half ran to her car.
"Bronx is all yours 'till court, enjoy your time together it'll be your last. I'll make sure of that." And with that she drove off. Pete rushed inside, dropping our bags in the hallway and headed straight to Bronx's room. I smiled sadly and followed him, I couldn't bare the thought of him might losing his son. Even tough I hadn't met him yet I could tell Pete loved him very much and he's become a completely different person. He's more caring and responsible, I never thought I would say that about Pete, and just so much nicer. I closed the door behind me when I walked in and grabbed our bags from the ground. Just as I was about to go up the stairs Pete appeared above me and smiled at me. He quickly walked down and grabbed my hand. "Ali, meet Bronx." He said proudly while pointing at the little boy sitting on his other arm. I immediately put the bags down.

"Hi Bronx, I'm Ali." I said.

He looked up at me and smiled, extending his hand. "Nice to meet you."

I looked at Pete in surprise who just shrugged. I chuckled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too."

Pete put Bronx down and told him to go play while we brought our stuff upstairs. Pete led me to his, now our, bedroom. He made some space in the closet and bathroom for me and then went back down to check on Bronx while I unpacked. I smiled when I saw a picture of him and Bronx on his nightstand but next to that one I found one of him and Ashlee. I picked it up, frowning, they didn't look happy at all together. I started to wonder if it was really true, that Pete never stopped loving me. I hoped so. I put the last things in the closet and threw my bag in a corner before walking back down and sitting on the couch next to Pete. Bronx sat on the floor playing with his legos.
"He's so cute." I mumbled and rested my hand on Pete's leg. He looked so proud, you could see the love in his eyes when he looked at the little boy.

"And really smart. Almost freaky." I chuckled. Pete laughed at my coment and turned to me.

"Right? I sometimes think he's the adult and I'm the child if us two."

"That wouldn't surprise me." I said earning an eavil stare from Pete. I laughed at his face but was thrown back by Pete who attacked me with kisses all over my face.
"Stop... Pete please!" I laughed. He stopped but only to start tickeling me. I screamed and tried to get away but Pete was to strong. Usually I love his muscels but now I wasn't so sure anymore. Bronx joined in and climbed on Pete's back.
Pete let me go for a second to grab Bronx from his back and started tickeling him. Bronx laughed and screamed, kicking his little feet in the air. "Daddy no." He laughed. Pete let him go and sat back, grinning. I playfully slapped him and looked at Bronx. "You okay buddy?"
He nodded with a smile and then suddenly wrapped his arms around me. "Are you my new mommy?"

I didn't know what to say, I looked at Pete for support but he looked just as lost as me. "You have a mommy Bronx."

"I know, but you can be my second mommy. You love daddy right?"

"Yes I do, very much." I answered, still a bit taken aback. He was so smart.

"Then you'll be my second mommy." Bronx stated and looked proud with himself. I chuckled a little and hugged him back. "Okay buddy, whatever you want."

So I'm currently in Italy on vacation and the wifi sucks here so I'm sorry if I make any spelling mistakes but I can't write on my computer a lot cuz the wifi keeps going down but I'm trying ;) I'm going home next week but I'm going to anotjer hotel in Venice first and I don't know id there will be wifi so I'll try to update at least once more before that. But thanks for reading, please vote and comment if you liked it and if you have any suggestions for this story feel free to tell me

Love you guys


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