Chapter 9

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Warning: some self harm in here.

As soon as I walked through the door I heard my parents shouting. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. My mom was jelling at my dad for some reason but when they noticed me standing in the doorway they fell quiet. I smiled nervously. "Hi mom, dad."


I felt myself turn red as I figured out how to tell them I'd spend the night with Pete. "Well... Eu... You see, I kinda went to the concert an-"

My mom cut me off. "YOU DID WHAT? WE TOLD YOU NOT TO GO!"

I took a step back, startled by her anger. "I know, but it meant the world to me and I don't think you understand that. But anyway, I went to the concert and even got to go backstage and hang out with the band. Apparently I fell asleep so when they had to leave the concert hall they took me with them to their hotel where I spend the night." I'd probably best not tell them I slept in a bed with a guys seven years older than me I had a crush on for two years. My dad, who hadn't said anything this whole time, took a step forward. "Ali?" I turned to him. "What happened in the hotel?" I froze, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid telling them. "I slept there."

 He looked at me in disbelieve. "That's it?"

I nodded "That's it." I looked down at the floor hoping they wouldn't notice the lie. And because of that I couldn't see my mom coming. She grabbed my shirt and pushed me up against the wall. "You little brat. Don't you even dare to listen to that band again you understand me? Ever since you found them you've been nothing but trouble!"

I started crying and covered my face with my hands. "Please..."

She hit me in my face and then let go. I slid down the wall, pressing my hand against my cheek.

"Go to your room!"

I stood up as fast as I could and ran up the stairs. I quickly ran inside my room and locked the door behind me. I turned around and sat down with my back against the door, sobbing uncontrollably. Why didn't they take me with them? I wondered, if I told them what my parents did to me if that would've changed their mind. Probably not, I mean, who even wanted me? I bet they were happy they were leaving so that they didn't have to see me again.

Can you blame them? You're a piece of shit, nobody likes you. They just asked you to come out of pity and because you were so desperate to jump out a window.


Make me.

I began pulling at my hair but the voice just laughed at my miserable attempts to make it shut up. I hit myself in the head hard, but it still didn't work. It was still there. I got up and smacked my head against the wall, again and again. I felt blood seeping down the side of my face but I didn't care. I needed the voice to shut up. When I hit the wall for the fifth time the room started spinning and I had to sit down before I fell. I buried my head in my hands and silently sobbed. Then the pain started and I gasped, it felt like ten people where smashing hammers on the inside of my head. I crawled to my bed and lay down, the moving only made it worse.

I think I lay there for a couple of hours before I drifted to sleep but I don't remember. But when I woke up my was aching even harder if that was even possible. I didn't move for a good twenty minutes, frightened my head would explode or something if I did. Eventually the pain faded a bit so I could sit up. I rubbed my hand over my face but instantly regretted it it, it hurt like hell. I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom where I looked in the mirror. On my face was a collection of purple and blue marks. One on my cheek, formed like a hand and the rest on my forehead and temples. I sighed, new bruises to cover up. I first took a shower, carefully not to get to much water on my face.

I wrapped my hair in a towel and grabbed my concealer. I had to buy a new tube, this one was almost empty. I applied a thick layer and blended it in. If you looked closely, you could still see a slight discoloration but it'll have to do. I went back to my room and changed into some black, ripped skinny jeans, a black top and a hot pink sweater. I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a message from Pete.

I frowned and opened it. I thought he would be happy he doesn't have to see me anymore.


I gasped. He actually likes me. He even wanted to see me again. I quickly replied and shove my phone in my pocket.

I walked downstairs and peeked around the corner before walking into the kitchen to get breakfast. My dad had left for work already and my mom was probably still sleeping. I didn't want to spend all day at home so I called Anna.

Just as I thought it was gonna go to voice mail she picked up.


I sighed, she'd still been sleeping. "Hey Anna."

"Oh Ali hi. I'm sorry I was sleeping."

I chuckled. "I figured. But now that you're awake, wanna do something? I don't want to sit at home all day." I felt a little guilty, I hadn't told Anna -or anyone- about the abuse. She was my best friend, we told each other everything but this was different.

"Yeah, sure. How about we make cupcakes and a movie?"

I laughed. "Cupcakes?"


"Sure sounds great. At what time can I come?"


"Okay great, see you then."


I looked at the clock on the wall, it was already eleven AM. It was only a five minute walk to Anna's house so I had to kill another hour. I was just hoping my mom wouldn't wake up before I left. I made myself some pancakes and loaded them on a plate. With my plate in my hands I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I browsed through the channels and settled for some bridal stuff. They were looking for dresses, and may I tell you there was a lot of drama. I had just finished my pancakes when I heard someone cough behind me. I jumped up and turned around to face my mom.
"Hi honey." She smiled.

"H-Hi mom."

"Did you sleep well?"

I hesitated but nodded. She smiled again and went into the kitchen. I got really nervous, I hadn't cleaned up yet and most of the times she would go nuts if there was even the smallest speck in her kitchen. I held my breath as I heard her open and close a cabinet and water running. She didn't say anything though so after a minute I let my breath out and sighed in relieve. When I looked at the clock again it was ten to twelve and I decided to leave already, I'd just walk a little slower than usual. I grabbed my stuff and went to the kitchen.

"Yeah honey?" She didn't even turn around.

"Is it okay if I go to Anna? We wanted to make cupcakes and watch a movie."

"Of course, go have fun."

"Okay bye."

"Wait before you go, come here."

She slowly turned around. She didn't look happy at all. She wiped a finger across my forehead, taking some of the concealer with it. "You should be more careful, I don't want you to get hurt badly."

Somehow I knew she wasn't talking about me smashing my head into the wall. Suddenly her expression went ice cold.

"Cover it up again, and don't even think about telling anyone."

I swallowed and nodded.

"Now go."

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and threw the door shut behind me. I had to get out of here or I would eventually end up dead.

Hi guys
I know the last chapter were like, really long but I can never seem to end them...
Anyway I really hope you enjoyed and please tell me what you think. I you don't like something just tell me and maybe I can do something about it the next part. Thanks for reading and please vote if you liked it.

bye xxx

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