Chapter 13

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Three months had passed since my mom was taken to jail. I've been living with Anna ever since. Her parents gladly took me in and treated me like their own daughter. I hadn't heard anything about my dad but I didn't really care, he never stood up to my mom and we weren't even close. I've been texting with Pete and Patrick almost every day, I hadn't told them what had happened though. If I did they would just worry and they couldn't do anything now because they were still on tour. But it was almost over so then I could see them all again. Pete told me they were all coming back to Belgium when they had time off and I had to show them around, like I knew every place in this country. My life was starting to get back to normal again and I was glad it did, I would still get those kind of looks from people who knew like I was an injured animal or something. Like I could fall apart at any moment. Also no one even hinted in the direction of parents or abuse when they were around me, it really annoyed me but they were just trying to be nice so I didn't say anything

I was sitting in English class, bored out of my mind. The teacher was going on about verbs and I just zoned out and scribbled down some lyrics. I could never write a complete song but I came up with loose sentences now and then.


My head snapped up and I saw the while class staring at me. The teacher looked concerned. "What are you doing?" She pointed at my arms.

I looked down in confusion, not knowing what she was talking about I was just writing my lyrics down on a paper. I was shocked when I saw my arms covered in scratches, some of them bleeding. When did I do that? I looked up again.

"I-I don't know... I didn't kn-know I was doing th-that." I stuttered.

She walked over to me and grabbed my arms, I tried to pull back but she held on tight. "Go to the nurse, Anna you go with her."

Anna nodded and got up. "Ali, come on."

I slowly stood up and walked after Anna through the halls to the school nurse. "What happened?" I shook my head still confused and shocked.

"I really don't know, I thought I was writing lyrics down on a paper. I didn't even feel it."

Anna gave me a worried look. "Maybe you should see a doctor."

"Yeah, maybe..." I wasn't planning to though, I didn't want to explain everything again it was to hard.

When we got to the nurse Anna told her what had happened. She just cleaned my cuts and put bandages on the bleeding ones. After that she sent me home.

Anna's parents weren't home, I sighed in relieve and went upstairs to my room which had been the guestroom before I'd moved in. I threw my bag on the bed and walked to the bathroom. I took the bandages of the cuts and threw them away, they weren't that deep. I've had worse. I got back to my room and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I sent a text to Pete, I really needed his company right now but he was on the other side of the world. I sighed and dropped down on the bed burying my face in the pillow. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to my phone vibrating next to my head. I rubbed my eyes and unlocked the screen. Pete had texted me back. They were playing in New York tonight and then they had only three shows left 'till the end of tour. I smiled and sent an answer. I got up and grabbed my bag, if I was home the rest of the day I could get my homework done before Anna got home. I didn't have a lot to do though, I had to translate a French text and solve a math problem. It took me an hour to finish it and I put my stuff away. The doorbell rang and I walked downstairs wondering who it could be. It was to early to be Anna or her parents, maybe the mail. I opened the door and saw Stacy standing on the doorstep. We hadn't had much contact since her first day, she made some friends of her own so I hadn't really talked to her. I noticed she was crying. Why would she come to me if something was wrong? It's not like we're friends. "Stacy what's wrong?"

"I-I." It looked like she was choking, I motioned for her to come inside and she followed me to the living room. We sat down on the couch, I turned back to her and put my hand on her arm. "What happened?" She took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have come to you." She wanted to get up but I stopped her. "No, stay. I'm here for you just tell me."

"I-I'm in trouble and I don't know what to do."

"What kind of trouble and why aren't you in school?"

"I got sent home."

"For what?"

"I started a fight, I was just protecting my friend they were beating her and so I hit tried to stop them."

"Did you explain what happened to the principal? If you were protecting her.."

She nodded. "I did but the kid I hit was her son."

I gasped. "Oh..."

"I'm scared, she said I would be suspended or even kicked out of school for this."

"She said that?"

Stacy nodded and I saw a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Hey hey it's gonna be okay! She can't just do that, she'll need a damn good reason. And I doubt there is one with you."

She smiled and suddenly wrapped me in a tight hug. I stood there a moment, surprised but then hugged her back. "Thank you!"

"No problem, I'm always here for you if you wanna talk."

We said goodbye and then she left. I really liked her, I hoped we would spend some more time together from now on. I laid down on the couch and scrolled though my Instagram a bit 'till there was another knock on the door. "Who is it this time?" I mumbled under my breath. I slowly walked to the door and took a deep breath before opening it.


hey guys

I'm so sorry I know it's been a while but I've been really busy with school my exams start next week so yeah... But I'll try to update once a week at least. Anyway thank you so much for reading and please vote if you like it and comment what you think.



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