Chapter 28

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It's been six months since the trial and Ashlee took Bronx away, we've only seen him twice since that day. Pete was heartbroken about it he loved the kid to much. he hasn't been his usual funny self and barely left the house for anything else than work. It killed me to see him this way. What he didn't know is that I've been working on getting him together with Bronx for a couple of weeks now. I knew she went out a lot and needed a babysitter so I'd asked a friend of mine for help. We'd made flyer's and put them in everyone's mailbox from her street. Now I was just waiting for a call from her. The plan was that Shana, my friend, would take him to a park or a cinema and then me and Pete would 'run into them' and they could spend the day together.

Today was a Friday, I knew Ashlee always went partying on a Friday. I spent the whole day sitting in the couch staring at my phone waiting for a call. Pete was at the studio with the guys, they were working on something new and they were all pretty exited about it, even Pete. I was happy he finally was exited about anything. I was just about to give up and watch a movie when my phone rang. The caller ID flashed on the screen and almost jumped in excitement.


"She hired me! Tonight from six to twelve."

"Oh that's great! So cinema it is, you know what to do?"

"Yes we'll be at the entrance at 7."

"Okay, see you then. Bye"


I ended the call and smiled widely. It was finally happening. I dialed Pete's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Ali, what's up?"

"Hey I was just wondering if you could come home early tonight? You've been working crazy hours lately and I want to spent some time with you, maybe go see a movie."

"Yeah a movie sounds great! I'll be home around six, does that sound okay?"

"Sounds good, I love you."

"I love you too. I'm gonna go now we can finish this tonight."

"Okay have fun, can't wait to here it! Bye."


I got up from the couch, grabbed my stuff and got in my car, Pete gave it to me for my birthday two months ago. I wanted to make him a nice dinner before we went to see Bronx. It has been a while since we had a proper dinner together, we mostly were to tired by the time we got home and ordered pizza. But I'd taken the day off and was determined to used it to the fullest. I pulled out of the driveway and headed for the grocery store.


An hour later I was back in the kitchen. I looked at the clock, I had two hours before Pete would be home. I found the recipe I wanted to use and grabbed all the ingredients. Since he loved pizza so much I wanted to make a real home made Italian pizza.
Half an hour later I put it in the oven, satisfied with how it looked so far and washed the flour of my hands. I had forty minutes to decorate the dining room before the pizza was ready. I'd bought rose petals and pretty candles.
After fifteen minutes the whole house smelled like home made pizza. I took in a deep breath and put the last candle on the table.
I'd texted Patrick, Andy and Joe to fill them in with the details. I'd explained the plan last week and they immediately offered to help. Their task was just to get Pete home in time, he could get so absorbed in his work and completely loose track of time. I still had more than an hour to get ready. I went upstairs and took a quick shower before diving in my closet to find the perfect outfit. I pulled a little black dress with a sheer back and a sheer strip on my waist. I paired it with black pumps and some gold jewelery. Nothing to fancy here. After the outfit I moved to make up and hair, I kept the make up basic but instead of my everyday straight hair I grabbed my curling iron and made some loose waves. My alarm went of and I hurried downstairs to turn the oven off, I left the pizza inside though, so that it wouldn't get cold. I checked everything one last time and settled in the couch for thirty minutes of girly youtube videos.

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