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"Brace face!" all the kids yelled at me, and especially my crush Jonathan; he had sort of long blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.

Sometimes I think that he just picks on me to fit in, and when his friends weren't around he was really nice to me. I fell for it every time and was immediately alienated when his friends came along.

I had a huge crush on him and he used that as fuel to further antagonize me. It hurt a lot, and I wished that I didn't look abnormal with my frizzy black hair, braces, pale skin, and my bright blue and green eyes. I wish I just looked normal and I wish I was popular.

"Stop!" I cried.

"Oh, guys look she's crying!" someone yelled.

"Oh poor baby!" another person yelled.

I tried to run away, but when I did someone tripped me and I fell hard scraping my arms, and knees badly.

I looked back at Johnathan and he had a slight look of guilt in his eyes. I got up and ran home, with my arms and legs bleeding all the way there.

I ran up to my room and sat on my floor crying my eyes out. I was crying so much that I thought I would run out of tears.

My door opened and my mother look at me alarmingly, "Arden, what happened!?" she said in alarm.

I didn't even respond and kept on crying. My mother kneeled on her knees and enveloped me in a hug, "Arden, what happened!?" she cried, and leaned back to look at my face.

"I can't do it anymore..." I sobbed.

"Oh, baby..." she whispered-cried.

"I'm going to talk to those kids parents." she stated firmly.

"No." I cried, "Just take me away."

"Okay..." she answered.

I sat in the back of my mother's car and just stared out of the window. My knees and arms were bandaged and still stinging.

"I promise baby that no one will ever hurt you again."

I stayed silent and continued to stare out into the colors of the sky.

No one will ever push me around again. I've had enough of this. I thought, Riverside will be my new beginning.


Dear Readers,

This is just a little taste of the story, however, I'm not sure If people will like it. So, please comment down below and tell me what you think!

P.S. If I do continue to write, then I'll probably write the first chapter, within a couple days.

Sincerely, Ana XD

Petals In The Storm #WATTYS2015Where stories live. Discover now