Chapter 1: I'm Coming Home

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I stand in front of the house that I had left years ago. It feels weird and nerve-racking to be back. I get a sudden chill that travels through my spin and causes me to shiver.

The last time I was here I was crying and covered in blood. I haven't revisited these memories since.

I've changed a lot since then. I no longer have black frizzy hair; it was now long and tamed. My braces had come off and I now have slight curves that suit me. I grew into my pale skin and it has a good contrast with my dark hair, and bright blue/green eyes.

"I know it's a lot to take in...Are you going to be fine?" my mother asked concerned.

My mother had fair skin, long, curly, and graying black hair. She was of average height and had large grey eyes.

"Of course. I'm back and better than ever," I smile.

I walk in and I am greeted by my father, "Arden, my god you are getting so big and too pretty..." my father says speechless.

My father who I looked like a lot had pale skin, short black hair blue/green eyes and was tall.

"Thanks," I slightly smiled.

My dad looks over to my mom and says, "Hi, Mary and you look great as well." he smiles and they hug.

"My god George...I can't believe it..." my mother says getting choked up.

My parents were divorced right about the time me and my mom left. But they stayed really good friends, and they both wanted the best for me. Even if that meant moving me to a whole other town.

"I'll be fine," my dad assured her, "I'm strong like...a bull!" he smiled.

"Let's hope so..." my mother said gently.

"Well, I'll let you get settled in your room." my dad said.

I nodded my head and headed up to my old bedroom. I walk in and it feels smaller now, and it's adequately lit. The walls are springtime green. Soft perfume wafts through the air. The floor is covered in an ivory colored carpet. My once small twin bed, is now replaced with a queen-sized on and newly made with a pale rose colored comforter.

I sit on the bed and look around to take it all in. I look over to my small antique bureau and see a picture of me when I was small.

I walk over to it and pick it up, and it's of me at the spring-time carnival. It was of me, my mom and dad; we were all smiling with cotton candy in our hands. I couldn't help but to smile at this.

I put down the picture and pick up another one of me, I'm standing in front of my old elementary school and I'm smiling wide showing off my braces. I look closer and see Johnathan in the very back and he was talking to his friends.

 My god...I remember when I first laid eyes on him. I thought.

But, then I was brought back to reality and I put the picture in one of the draws. Looking at him brought back bad memories.

I go over to the window and gaze out at the trees. Then I remembered that Johnathan lives a couple houses down.

My curiosity go the best of me and I wanted to walk by his house, and see if he still lived here.

I walked downstairs and told my parents that I was going to take a walk around the neighborhood.

I was dressed in a black muscle tee, ripped jeans and some old combat boots.

I kept walking until I saw his house and stopped. Then all of a sudden a boy about my age came out. He was dressed in a black long sleeved shirt, jeans and converse.

The boy was Johnathan. I could tell because he looked the same, but more grown up and he did look even sexier. He still had his long blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes and dimpled chin.

Then I felt a slight pang of anger and hurt. Because seeing him brought back all these horrible memories.

 This was a stupid idea. 

"I'll be back in a few!" I heard him call to someone, and he turned around, stopped when he saw me and had a confused look on his face.

I froze and turned around and quickly walked back to my house. He probably didn't recognize who I was because I look so different.

I ran home and up to my bedroom without saying a word to my parents. I sat on my bed and tried to calm myself down.

Then the thought came to me, If he still lives here, then I'll see him in school.

My heart sank and I laid down and tried to fall asleep; to try and get rid of these worries.


Dear Readers,

I decided to post the first chapter today and I hope you guys like it! Please comment down below and tell me what you would like to see happen, and what you think will happen! XD

Sincerely, Ana :)

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