Chapter 7: The Picture

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I walked over and sat on Johnathan's doorstep. I pulled out a book, and waited for him to come.

A couple of minutes later a sudden shadow was cast over me, and I looked up to see Johnathan standing there with a grin, "You know we could've walked together." he chuckled.

"Nah you would just slow me down," I replied, and stood up.

"Well, I guess we should go, and get started."

"That's why I'm here."

We walked in and saw a middle aged, blonde and blue-eyed lady walk over to us from the kitchen, "Hey, sweetheart," she smiled, "Why hello!" she said to me, and I waved at her with a small smile plastered on my face.

"Hey, Mom this is Arden."

"Wait Arden...?" she said in deep thought, "Arden Woods right?" she added.

I nodded my head in response, "She use to live right next door," Johnathan said, "She and her mom moved back recently," he added.

"Oh, yea. Arden Woods. I remember you, and Johnathan were friends." she smiled, "I remember you use to come over," she added.

"Yea that was me..."

"My oh my you've changed. You're gorgeous!" she exclaimed.

Everyone says that to me, and why because I was so unattractive before?

"Thanks." I said, and tried to force a smile.

"Why did you ever leave?" she asked, "I know Johnathan missed you terribly."

I quickly glanced over a Johnathan, and he looked back at me with guilty eyes, "Just wanted a change." I said to his mom, and I want to tell her what really happened.

"Oh, well nice to see you again." she smiled.

"Yea... nice to see you again Mrs. Brandis." I smiled.

"Oh, sweetie call me Mary."

I slightly nodded my head, "Well, me and Arden need to work on our project." Johnathan said to his mom.

Before we walked up the stairs his mom stopped, and said, "Well, Arden do you want to stay for dinner?" she asked hopefully.

I stopped and said, "Uh, I don't..."

"Come on." she said with a hopeful smile, "We need to catch up."

I looked over at Johnathan, and he said, "Uh Mom I do-"

"Sure." I blurted out.

Johnathan looked over at me surprised, "Um, I guess she's staying." he said surprised.

"Great we're having fetuccini alfredo!" she exclaimed, "Sorry I'll let you guys work on your project, and tell your mom I said hi." she added, and walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't think you'd want to spend anymore time around me then you have to," Johnathan chuckled.

"I didn't want to be rude, and besides it's fetuccini alfredo."

"So, your just using me for pasta?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Use you? I wouldn't even touch you." I shot back.

"Ouch." he pretended to be hurt.

"Come on." I said, and we walked up to his room.


We started to do the research on the different cells, and their functions, "Did you find anything on squamous cells?" I asked.

"No. You could check in that book over there," he said pointing over to a biology book on his dresser.

I went over, picked it up, and found a picture lying under it. It was a picture of me, and Johnathan when we were little, and we were at a park. I picked it up, and couldn't believe that he still had it. We were both on the swing set, and laughing. Those were the only times I could actually be friends with Johnathan, and not be shunned by him.

I felt someone standing beside me, and turned my head to see Johnathan standing there looking at the picture too, "You still have this?" I said in disbelief.

"Yea..." he said, "My mom wasn't wrong...I did miss you."

We looked at each other for a couple of seconds in silence, "Uh, squamous cell, right?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Yea squamous cells," he said, "I think it's on page 142." he added.

"Right." I replied, and sat on his bed, and looked through the book for page 142.

Johnathan sat next to me, and said, "So, squamous cells is a type of-"

"Arden d-"


"Why what?" he asked confused.

"Why do you have the picture still?"

Johnathan shifted on the bed, and replied, "I didn't think I'd see you again."

"Well life is full of surprises..." I whispered, and I felt Johnathan lean into me. I pulled away from him, and the door opened to reveal Mary.

"Hey, kids. Dinner is ready!"

I got up and collected my bad, and said, "I'm sorry, but, I have a family emergency."

" well I hope you can join us some other time." Mary said disappointed, "I hope whatever it is that everything is okay." she added.

"Yea, well I'll see you on Monday Brandis." I said to Johnathan.

"I'll walk you out." he said.

"No, it's fine." I replied.

"Nonsense. Johnathan be a gentleman, and walk her out."

Johnathan nodded his head, and I said, "Okay."

He walked me out to the front door, and immediately started to make my way home, "Arden wait!"

I stopped, and turned around, "Let's just forget about it." I said, "I'll see you Monday." I added and went home.

Why did have to do that!? Why did Johnathan make me feel like this, and why couldn't he just work on the project without any feelings!?

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