Chapter 25: Everybody's Fool

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      A week later...

     "Mom, is Dad home?" I asked my mom as she was preparing breakfast.

     "No, he left early for an appointment," my mom replied, "You guys haven't talked yet?" she asked curiously.

     I leaned on the counter beside her, and shook my head, "No, I haven't been able to, either he's not feeling well, or he's out."

     My mom stopped what she was doing, and looked at me with apologetic eyes, "Honey, I want you to know that he's not avoiding you, he's just been feeling weird, and I think he's trying to give you your space," she explained, "But, you need to know that he loves you dearly, and he understands how you feel."

     "Yea, but, I feel bad about the way I acted. He didn't deserve that."

     My mother tilted her head, and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, "We, all do things we regret, but, that doesn't mean we're bad people," she explains, "It just means we're human," she added with a small smile.

     "Yea..." I sighed, "I'll see you later."

     "Aren't you going to eat before you leave?"

     "No, I'm good, but, thanks," I reply, and head out the door.

     "Love you, sweetheart." I hear her say as I leave.


     As, I walk into the school, I feel like people are staring at me, and there are these papers scattered everywhere. I just ignore it, and keep walking to my locker. When I get there, there' a paper stuck to my locker, and I see a very familiar picture. When, I get closer, I realize that it's me and it says: ARDEN, THE UGLY FREAK, AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS PRETTY! TAKE A LOOK AT THIS PICTURE! 

     My heart drops, and I rip the paper off the locker. I looked around to see them everywhere, and there is only one person that has this picture... Jonathan.

     How could he...? Why did I ever trust him? I should've known he was the same person he's always been. He hasn't changed one bit! Everything he's told me was a lie, and I fell for it.

     I felt tears threatening to come out, my blood was boiling and I felt like punching him. I feel so betrayed right now, and I wanted to let it out. I ripped the paper that was in my hands, and I threw it in the trash.

     Everywhere I went those pictures were there, and everywhere I went there were people staring at me and laughing.

     I headed to my first class, I heard whispers all around me, and I stopped my tears from being shed.

     "Hey, there, Arden. Did you know your face is everywhere?" Derek said while holding up one of the flyers, "How did you go from this," he said pointing the flyer, "To that," he added pointing back at me.

     I looked up at him with anger, "What, I want to know is how you've survived this long, without a brain," I said angrily.

     "You know maybe this is why someone did this to you," Derek replied, "Because you act like a bitch," he added.

     "And this is probably why no girl wants to sleep with you," I shot back.

     "Whoa, whoa, plenty of girls do."

     "Yea, the one's with no brains," I said, and exited the classroom. I ran to the girl's bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and started to cry. This feel like when I was eight-years old again, and the painful memories started to flood back.

     How could he do this to me?


     I stayed in the library during lunch, and kept myself hidden from people. I kept myself bust with book, and by drawing. I didn't want to be the center of attention, that's what I've tried to avoid when I came here, and look where I am now.

     The bell rings, I dreadfully drag myself through the sea of people, and I still see posters everywhere.

     "Hey, Arden, I didn't see you at lunch. Where were you?" I heard a familiar voice say, and my heart jumped. I turned around to see Jonathan standing there. Without even thinking I punched him square in the eye.

     "What the hell was that for?" Jonathan asked confused.

     "Like, you don't know!" I yelled, and people started to look.

     "What're you talking about, Arden?" he said confused.

     I turned around, ripped down one of the flyers, and handed it to him, "You know damn well what I'm talking about," I said angrily.

     "Who did this?"

     I squinted my eyes at him, "Don't pretend like it's not you," I said, "You're the only one with this picture."

     "Damn it, it wasn't me!" he explained, "Why would I do this?"

     I shrugged my shoulders at him, "I don't know, Jonathan. To ridicule me, and embarrass me. I should've know you didn't change, and once again I fell for it!"

     "Arden, I'm telling you it was me, and I can't believe you think I would lie to you." he shot back.

     "I don't know any other way to explain this, and you know what you got what you wanted!"

     Jonathan threw his hand up in the air in exhaustion, "And what's that?"

     "You wanted to reel me, and get what every boy wants," I said hurt.

     Jonathan put his head in his hands, and rubbed his head, "Oh, please, Arden! You know I'm not like that."

     "Or, so I thought!" I yelled.

     "Jesus Christ, you know how I feel about you," Jonathan said angrily.

     I pointed to the poster, "Well, obviously, this is how you feel about me," I replied.

     "Jesus, Arden, stop being so blind," Jonathan yelled at me, "You're so ready to pin this on me, because you're afraid of commitment because of what happened in the past, and you'll always hold that over me. That's why your so quick to blame me!" Jonathan added.

     "You hurt me, and this proves that you didn't change!" I yelled, people stopped, and stared at us.

     "You think you're the only one? Everyone has scars, it's just some don't wear them on the outside," Jonathan said with pain in his eyes, but, I couldn't tell what anything was anymore, "Arden, how do you feel about me?"

     "I don't have enough middle fingers to show you how I feel," I replied venomously, and ran out of the school.


Dear Readers,

     Ooh, drama, who do you think it was? Do you think that Jonathan really did, or, was it someone else with a sinister motive? What do you think will happen? So, this was the first twist, there is another coming soon. Can you guys guess what it is? Tell me what you guys think, by commenting, and voting!

QOTD: Should I update again tonight? Do you think Arden has a right to suspect Jonathan?

Sincerely, Ana XD





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