My queen R.

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Request LXSSO3NAT   :"(my bestie hahah) Maybe one with Ravenna where she finds y/n half dead in the woods and they fall in love."
I love writing soft spots so you'll have to deal with that

(I'm too gay )<shit shit shit how do I always end up in these situations? Alone in the woods not your best idea Y/N I swear to god->"Hello? Is someone there?" Shit there's a growl not so far away from here somehow I can't move my feet are stuck to...

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(I'm too gay )
<shit shit shit how do I always end up in these situations? Alone in the woods not your best idea Y/N I swear to god->
"Hello? Is someone there?" Shit there's a growl not so far away from here somehow I can't move my feet are stuck to the ground.
<how did I even end up here in the first place? The last thing I really remember is one dude calling me a witch and wanting me and wanting me out of the village so I ran and now I'm here I assume.> oh shit the growls are getting louder and my legs are still stuck to the ground.
Only a few more minutes or seconds and they will kill me, and I'll be gone no one will remember the name Y/N Y/L/N.
The eyes of a wolf appeared behind the tall bushes and look deep into my soul.
I have no fear, no regret and no anger I just want to get this over with I have no where to go anyway.
The Wolfes start to attack and I close my eyes waiting to finally die... but everything goes quiet they are gone but I'm still not alone there's a presence near me.

Ravennas POV:
It was such a beautiful full moon so I quickly decided to take a stroll in the woods maybe scare some kids.
But when I got there I felt I wasn't alone there was someone else in the woods clearly frightened.
<get a grip Venna.> i will just look if something interesting is happening and maybe I can help.
The deeper I walk into the woods the louder the growls get.
Until I see a young women in the woods alone and wolfs surrounding her.
They start to attack her and I somehow feel like I need to step in it's like I don't have control of my body anymore so I send the Wolfes away with a death stare.
The women didn't open her eyes <am I too late> after a few seconds she starts to look around clearly confused by the situation.
She looks around that's when we lock eyes.
"Step out of the darkness!" Was she commanding me but why am I following her orders?
I step out of the darkness and she gasps.
"My queen I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you or cause you any trouble I'm just foolish."
"Shut it. It wasn't a big deal at all I could not let a pretty thing like you die."
She gulps I clearly had some kind of affect on her I just couldn't get what kind of affect.
"I-I can't go back 'home' they have cast me away I have no where to go I deserved to die."
"Why were you banished?" She looks at me clearly nervous.
"Well I-I was banished because... someone caught me doing witchcraft and he told the priest they tried to murder me so I ran..."
"I see you can come with me you'll be safe there I can't let a witch die out here in the woods that would be a waste of talent." She was still rather anxious so I walk over to her and place a hand on her shoulder to calm her down her body was shaking.
"Come on love we should head to my Castle the Sun will rise soon and we don't want you all tired in the morning."
"Why are you so nice to me?"
"It night shock you but I like you I see a lot of myself in you... you and I have the same anger your anger just has to be controlled and for that I am here I look younger than I am." I smirk at my own joke she looks at me clearly not getting it. I just wave it off and make her stand up. To which she lets out a high pitched hiss.
"If you forgot your majesty I was just attacked by a pack of wolves and I'm loosing lots of blood." I take a look at her and pick her up bridal style to which she lets out a sound I haven't heard of her before it seemed like she was shocked by my action I take her bed to my castle to take care of her.
"I have to stich this up can you sit up?" She nods and i start to take care of her wound (she could've just used magic but-)
"All done all pretty again." She laughs I think that's the first time I've heard her laugh it's addicting I'm not the cold heartless queen when I'm around her I'm just Venna.

-a few months passed Y/N learned to control her powers and Ravenna gets more and more attached to the young girl-
"Y/N come her for a second dear!" She sits down on my bed I could get used to that.
"I must tell you something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time..."
"Venna I know I overstayed my welcome I should've le-"
"No its not that... whenever I'm with you I feel okay like all the bad things I did are just gone... you make me laugh and I really like you."
"Oh- the evil queen has a soft spot for a fair maiden I see well its my duty to inform you that I feel the same way."
I look at her clearly in shock and without thinking I just take her close and kiss her passionately.
Like my life depended on this kiss I would never let her go.. she really was my soft spot.
And I'm Happy that she is.
This women right here... is the women Ill marry someday and when my plan succeeds she will rule my side.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Funfact: i wrote this at a family dinner- so If there are any grammar mistakes its because I constantly had to hide my phone so my grandparents couldn't see.
Love lia <3

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