Falling behind E.M.

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TW: alcohol

The last interview of the day was with so called 'Markinson', it did not state whether the interviewer was male or female, or anything in between, so I just have to hope it will be a woman. Women are supposed to be nicer than men in most scenarios, right? Well, turns out that wasn't completely right from my side.

Once I walked into the building, and set foot into the office, the person who turned in the seat was someone who I'd seen before, and let's say not in the most professional environment.

Why don't we spin back to last Saturday? Oh, Saturday was a hell of a ride. First, I found out that the so called 'Love of my life' had been cheating on me for the past year, and then they kicked me out of my own apartment, and wouldn't let me protest, oh, and I went home with a fucking stranger.

After my ex partner kicked me out of our shared apartment, I was literally on my own, so my first thought was.

"GET DRUNK BITCH!" A lot of people would say they let their intrusive thoughts win, but they weren't intrusive, they were just RIGHT. Looking back, it's not the best decision to get drunk without having anywhere to go after, but past me really thought it was the best idea they ever had.

The pub I searched was the one that my partner always forbid me on going to, so even more reason for myself to go there. No one was there to stop me. I believe the pub was called 'the spitting donkey', but that might just be wrong information, all I know is that I was in the pub ordering A LOT of vodka, and downed it immediately.

"Slow down, leave me some!" A tall blonde woman who I'd never seen before was towering over me.

"So who broke your heart then?" Looking back, I regret the whole conversation that I even said anything in my physical state should have been a crime to humanity. At that moment I should've said 'sorry', because who asks someone If they got their heart broken out of the blue. Apparently I do. I get quite depressing when I'm drunk, yes even more depressing than now.

"Bold of you to assume I didn't break theirs." The woman answered, If I'd tell you this woman was drop-dead gorgeous, everything was perfect about her. The way she talked, looked, walked. But, don't believe the drunk ones, they might just have seen a few ghosts, and are talking nonsense.

I offer the woman one of the vodka shots, she sits down and downs it in record time.

"So, what brings you here?" And, at this moment, I'm so glad that my brain worked a bit, and that I didn't tell the whole story to a complete stranger.

"You know, shitty stuff." She didn't press anymore on the matter.

"Where do you live, darling?" I could say my apartment, but I was kicked out.

"Nowhere right now. Like I said, 'shitty stuff'." Downing another shot, now when I think back I realize how high of an alcohol tolerance I might have, because as far as I'm aware I didn't throw up, and I didn't slur my words at the beautiful blonde. This was my last shot too.

"My name is Elaine Markson." She was lying, but that's fine, I wouldn't want to present my last name to the whole world in the first ten seconds of anything.

I introduced myself to her, and we talked for what felt like hours. I was already sobering up, which made me want to drink again.

"So you don't have to tell me anything about like your 'shitty stuff', but I am asking you to come with me tonight, ok? Sweetheart?" This was of course ok, but I still knew nothing about her, for all I know she might be a serial killer, and I'd be her next victim.

"How do I know you're not going to murder me?" Wow, straight forward.

"How do I know you're not going to murder ME? Well, we will just have to trust one another. Don't we?" Trust? I've known her for 5 hours now, looking at my phone. I give in, I really did not wish to sleep on the streets tonight. So I agree, and we go to her house, which is huge by the way. I wish I could live her.

"You know, I wanted to kiss you this whole time." Was the first thing she said when I was inside of her house, admiring the art.

"Excuse me?" I was confused.

"You're gorgeous." She was whispering into my ear, standing really, really close. I could feel her breath tickling my skin, and her hands caressing my waist. Every touch felt like a little shock of electricity, but in a good way.

"Why don't you kiss me, If you wanted to do it so badly?" I wasn't teasing her, but it definitely felt like she thought I was. In the blink of an eye, her lips were on mine. It felt rushed, but passionate, and I couldn't describe it really well. All I know is that this wasn't my first kiss, so there were no fireworks lightning up into the sky making little hearts, and no butterflies. Everything felt so driven by lust, and desire, and well you can guess what came after this hardcore make out session.

Circling back to reality, you might have guessed who I was seeing sitting right in front of me.

Come on, inspector gadget, take your time.

You're right...

The ex who cheated on me for over a year.

I'm just messing with you.

Elaine fucking Markinson. 

I want to bury myself in a ditch, and die.

"Well, that's an extraordinary surprise that I wasn't expecting in the slightest." She sounded almost sarcastic, but I knew she didn't plan on me being the one who was there for the interview.

"Elaine Markson? You were really creative with that name, I must say." Smiling at her in a very cocky kind of way.

"Call it improvisation."

"So you begged me to come work for you." I laughed.

"How else was I going to see you again, but don't think I'll give you better treatment If you do decide to work here."

"Never thought of it. I will call you once I made my decision." Leaving the office, I felt like I just walked out of a gladiator arena, and I was the winner murdering all the other gladiators, which is a really weird feeling which I do not recommend in the slightest.

I called her back the same night, telling her that I will take the job as her pa.

A few months later she told me what happened the night we met, we grew closer, and soon after became a thing as the hip teens would say.

We couldn't be happier, but somehow everything is giving me déjà vu, the way she acts around me, it feels way too familiar.

I wish that I could just talk to her, but that's impossible. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

A/N: I did read 4 books today, which is a lot of, considering I'm not the fastest reader out there.

Good luck staying gay. This was requested by someone, but somehow I can't at anyone, once I solve this they will be tagged here. If you're reading this 'hi' trying my best. Also, I hope it's fine that I wrote it differently, it would have been way too long for a one shot. <3

Love Lia.

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