Getaway car E.M

583 26 2

TW: shooting and disgusting Richard

Normal day in the office, or at least I believed it would be due to the pressure around here I could barely see my girlfriend anymore.

I looked up at the clock hanging in my office counting down the minutes until her meeting was over, and when the big pointer pointed on 4 I was ready to leave, already packed.

Her office door opened and out walked Richard with some other rich white man. Richard is a rather suspect man and his way with Elaine.

I love Elaine, and I'd give up my life just to be with her everyday. We met the first day of work, I was new, and she was rather nice for showing me around the offices, once we got into her office she kissed me and that's how our romantic story started.

Elaine and I are complete opposites when it came to people or basically life. She's a very direct, and bossy person with her own opinions. I am much more of a reserved person who doesn't like drama to go down.

I walked into her office once everyone had left it.

"I told you I don't need any - Oh darling it's you, I missed you. Sit!" I sat down opposite to her just in case someone wanted to come in and say hello.

"I missed you too honey. Tell me about your day!" I say leaning over the table trying to reach her lips for a quick peck on the lips. And, Bingo. This woman really has me in her chokehold. When we first started dating she was cold towards me and not really showing any affection in any way. Now she is much more open with her feelings making sure I was happy.

"Screw it babe, come sit!" She pointed to her lap inviting me to sit down on it, and I gladly did.

We make out until I heard a shuffle at the door and a muffled scream, I looked to the door only to be met with Richard's shocked eyes.

"Elaine how could you? We are dating, and you're kissing some slut in MY office." He was furious but so was I. She's been cheating on me all this time, or was she? Her face did not carry any expression, and she did not give away the expression of just being caught.

"Babe? What is he talking about?" I ask looking into her eyes trying to find any sort of regret.

"I did what needed to be done, I love you." she whispered the last part into my ear holding my hand tightly.

"Oh you did what needed to be done, then so will I." He said pulling out a gun from his blazer.


"Rich can we talk about this?" Elaine plead, I know she doesn't care about her own life but mine.

"I believe we have talked enough for today don't you think?" I was scared for my life still holding on to Elaine.

"Y/n this woman was playing you, don't you dare forgive her for that!" He wasn't trying to murder me, he wanted revenge on Elaine.

"I can speak for myself. This woman did not play me she's the closet thing I have ever gotten to a good and healthy relationship. So you better shut the fuck up! Or I will have to make you shut up." I've never been more protective of another person in my life.

"Fine, you do you, but this bitch has to pay for her sins." I stood up from my chair trying to distract him, but the moment I stood up he shot. Right into her heart.

"You fucking bastard, I will kill you." I say before rushing over to the love of my life, holding her in my arms weeping like a child who just lost their favorite stuffed animal in the park.

"Please, please come back. I need you! Shoot me Rich, or I will!" I say looking into his eyes, furious.

And without batting an eye, the rage took over him shooting me too. Reunited with my love.

Everything had gone to silence, and then I woke up all sweaty heavy breathing.

"Honey, it was just a bad dream." A familiar voice said to me, patting my back ever so carefully.

"No, it was all so real. She died, and then I died." I cried into my hands.

"Who's she?" The voice said, I looked up greeted by a familiar face.


"Who's Elaine darling? You always do this darling, I am Ravenna. Elaine is not me."

"No. Elaine she was my lover then Richard walked in and shot her." My heart beat so fast as If it would spring out of my chest at any second.

"Darling, please calm down. Safe your energy!" I sink into her touch, she started caressing my cheek holding onto me tightly.

"Elaine looked exactly like you, just shorter hair and even more bossy than you." I laugh when she gave me her infamous glare.

"No one can be more bossy than me." She stated.

"Well apparently she is, or was I have no idea." I was so confused with this whole situation.

"I love you, y/n. In every universe I will find my way into your arms. Hugging and loving you." I laugh and give her a quick peck on the lips.

"This Elaine seemed to have meant a lot to you."

"I have no idea, apparently, but this is just my conspiracy theory ok so hear me out on this!" I sat up over the blanket, so I have more room to gesture my crazy theory.

"What If this was actually you, but because we both died we ended up being in this universe because we are soulmates." I thought she was about to laugh, but to my surprise she didn't.

"Wait I have read something about this." She got out of our shared bed and walked over to our small library picking out the book she was searching for.

"Here, If the soulmates who were forced together by the stars aligned on the night sky pass due to any circumstance they are brought back together into a different multiverse as If they had just woken up from a bad dream. They are meant to be together by the power of Hera." I was shocked. She and I were actual soulmates.

"I love you soulmate." I said smiling at her from one ear to another.

"I love you too, soulmate." She kissed me and went under the blanket again.

"Are you coming back to bed it's 4 in the morning?" I nod cuddling up to my forever and always.

A/N: A lot of people wanted something Elaine, so I'm here to serve.
Thank you Annie for this slay idea <3.
donnasdoll wet4femaleAvengers

Analua you are a nerd, but I love you nonetheless.

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