You're on your own kid A.P

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LXSSO3NAT request:
Y/n's step father hurt her so she runs into the woods where she runs into a cave an then she walks through it into almas loop where
(y/n can see the hollows and can throw knives like diego from umbrella acardemy) alma let's her stay and after a few months y/n is like a real child for alma and y/n calls her mom by mistake and then alma says it is fine an yeah.
Tbh I don't know If I will write it exactly like that but you can trust me.. ok you can't.
TW: Y/N 's crusty musty step 'dad'

Its funny that you can request something without smut

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Its funny that you can request something without smut...

It was the first day of winter and snow was covering the small island you lived on, everywhere you looked it felt like a scene of a book.
But life  definitely wasn't a scene of your favourite book... your lost your dad at a rather young age and lets say it like this, the man your mom  married was a literal nightmare.
Where too start?
He was the kind of men who believed a women should stay at home taking care of the house and children.
If 'his' kid would speak back to him he would hit it, because and I quote:" thats the only proper way to raise a brat like you, you will learn only through pain. I'm not the villain you piece of shit. Your mom would've had a better life without you in it. She died because of you!"
Maybe he was experiencing grief in some sort letting it out on you...
But today was the last time he would do something like this, you were planning on running away at midnight.
Leaving no tracks for him to follow...
He saw through your plan so you had to make up your mind leaving without stuff.
You thought he would be at the pub making some poor women suck his small dick but he wasn't this was what caught you off guard.
He ran towards you ready to hit you, or worse.. but you were faster ducking under his arm running to the front door , quickly closing it and running.
Running as fast as you could.
"You dirty slut, don't expect that you can come back home after you pull bullshit like this!" You could hear his words in the back.
<shit Y/N you haven't thought this through... where do I go? A cave... I will hide there till the morning then I'll take a ferry to take me away from this godforsaken island> so you quickly ran to the cave.
"What the fuck?" As you walk through the cave you see a big  mansion in the distant.
"You can't knock there they are probably sleeping, but I mean its either that or sleep- what is that?" When you walk closer too the mansion you see someone... no something walk closer to it.
It was an almost human like creature. (Yes I know that this story doesn't really make sense just go with the flow ;))
"I should tell someone..." you make the quick decision and run to the door manically knocking on it.
And not 3 seconds later a tall women opened it, in her nightgown- shit.
"I'm sorry I needed to wake you but I ran away from home and I need shelter and there's also a really weird almost human like creature coming closer and closer and I know it sounds nuts but you have to believe me.." you start to ramble the blue haired women looked at you with a confused gaze.
"Human like you say?"
"Yes it's almost here- oh shit move." You push the women inside you had a gut feeling that this creature wasn't here to make fiends.
It stood almost right in front of you.
<I'm gonna dieeeeee>
As you take a look closer at the creature you realise what it was.
"A hollowgast." You gasp when you realised you close your eyes ready to die.
But instead you hear screams as If some thing was dying...
When you open your eyes too see what caused it you see the hollowgast laying on the grass with a knife buried in his chest.
"D-did you do this?" The blue haired women started talking behind you, so you turned around.
"I didn't mean too I'm sorry I just realised its a hollowgast and the next second I- its de... dead." You don't make eye contact with her.
"So you can see them?" She asked curiously.
"You can't?"
"No. Sadly not but good thing your here my dear we love adopting new peculiars."
"We?" She nods.
"But for now you better rest your travel must've exhausted you I can see it in your eyes." She gives you a small smile.
"Oh you won't even believe it, but I don't mean to be rude.." she finishes your sentence
"We always have a spare room and If you stay the room will be yours."
"Who even are you?" She takes a gasp and grabs her heart acting offended.
"You know about hollowgasts but not me I'm hurt!"
"I'm sorry." You say not making eye contact feeling guilty.
"Well Y/N I'm ms. Peregrine you will meet the children tomorrow or today." She chuckles you give her a confused glance and she just answers:" you will find out soon enough now REST!" She shoves you inside.
"I don't have anything to wear..." you realise sadly
"Thats not an issue I will find you something give me three seconds you go upstairs, first room left."
You found t easily it was the only room where the door was open.

Spare room? Seriously this room looked amazing (imagine without the MacBook and If you like to imagine a different kind of  room thats fine)"Here you go

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Spare room? Seriously this room looked amazing (imagine without the MacBook and If you like to imagine a different kind of  room thats fine)
"Here you go." She hands you a obviously blue nightgown.
"I will give you something to wear in the morning, i hope its your size though for now pleasseeee rest."
And you did you just said your goodbye and went to sleep first time in years feeling something like 'peace' you'd describe it .
The next morning you had met everyone still a little anxious about the whole hollowgast situation... but you decided to ignore it as much as you could you'd figure out everything sooner or later-
"Y/N would you mind joining me on a walk I'd love to show you around?" Ms. Peregrine said looking at you expectingly.
"I would love to see the island I have some questions though."
"Well now we have - she looks at her watch- 1 hour 9 minutes and 29 seconds  to answer all your questions you can answer some of mine."
A few seconds later you were out the door.
"You start!" She demanded.
"Why do I feel like I'm not in my time period everything looks so 'old timey'"?" She lets out a small chuckle.
"Oh your serious, i thought you knew we are in a loop but you'll see this evening ever day we rewind the day to keep the bomb away from the mansion basically, ok now my question why are you here? If you don't feel comfortable answering its fine but I didn't see you..."
"You didn't see me?"
"Yes doesn't matter..."
"Well  I ran away from home because my step 'father' was the worst human being alive he hit me and sh- stuff, blamed me for my mother's death basically made my life a living hell and I couldn't handle it anymore I wanted to take the ferry to the mainland and go away. But first I wanted to rest in the cave cause it was midnight like you know.." she nods.
A few seconds later cause she needed time to process your story she took you in her arms.
"You'll be fine here. We are a family no one will ever hurt you here you just need to stay." She said with her usual calm voice.
"I would love too but I don't wanna be a burden." You admit.
"Oh noooo all the kids love you already and they usually hate new people..." she says looking deep into your eyes.
"Well if thats the case... of course I want to stay nothing more than that." You smile for real the first time in months.

-a few months passed and everyone got used to you and you didn't feel like a stranger to anyone any longer, Emma became one of your closets confidants with Olive-

"Y/N would you mind helping me with the dishes." Ms. Peregrine calls out.
"Yes mom I'll be right there..- oh sh- I'm sorry." You realised what you'd said really quickly getting embarrassed.
Ms. Peregrine walks out of the kitchen to speak to you.
You try to run but that wouldn't help the situation.
"Don't be embarrassed Y/N please it's fine. I see you as my own daughter already any way." She waves it off.
"And I must say I'm flattered that you call me that." She smiles brightly.
You still cringed at the idea that you just called HER mom fucking MOM.
Oh god-

A/N: oh shit hahah I really tried my best. This is kinda bad sorry not sorry...
I have like a Christmas market tomorrow in school so that wont be fun.
I was supposed to go home at 12 pm but because its a mandatory thing we have to stay till atleast 2 pm-
Kill me. Thank you.
Love Lia.

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