Let the light in L.W

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TW: Kiss without consent.

I am a teacher at Nevermore working alongside Marilyn Thornhill in botany, I was her 'right hand' in everything, we became quite close really fast and never are apart from one another.

While I was helping her to water her roses I heard the loud wooden door open and in came the gorgeous principal, who I quite fangirled over ever since I got to this school. Larissa Weems. This woman has held me in her chokehold ever since I got to this institute. Her hair as white as snow, her lips were red as the roses I was just watering, her eyes were piercing blue and her figure was towering over my rather small body. Everyone seems small compared to her, I love that she is so tall, it makes her even more beautiful.

"Good evening Mrs. L/N!" She greets with a smile.

"Ms.!" I say, and she first doesn't get what I mean based on her expression.

"I am not married." I say, getting back to watering the roses.

"Oh yes, of course. I was just checking in on how things are going. And I wanted to ask If you could swing by my office later, I got to talk to you about a lot of business things." I just say ok not really looking into her eyes, I really needed to finish watering all the plants otherwise I am useless. She had walked out which I only realized when the wooden door fell into its lock making a loud thud, startling me.

Time moves by faster than you can imagine, I looked up at the clock which was hanging in the garden house, it said 5 pm, which meant I missed dinner. All that was left on my schedule was to see Ms. Weems, I do not avoid her I just dislike the way I am when she's in the room. I never get out the right words, she must dislike me more than I dislike being alone with her. 

I pack my bag, ready to leave when Marilyn walked in.

"Hey y/n can we talk?" she asks with a much more serious tone than usual.

"Of course, what's on your mind?" she walks over, takes my arm and just holds it.

"I don't know how, but I feel a much more genuine connection with you than with anyone ever before."

"Oh that's sweet Marilyn, I feel the same, but I really got to go to see Ms. Weems." I say trying to get out of her grasp.

"Why are you so obsessed with this woman, what does she have that I don't?" Marilyn asks almost pleading.

"Mar, you're an amazing person, and you are my best friend in the whole world, I just don't think I see you as more." I say truthfully, I could not tell her about my deep admiration towards the principle.

"It's her, isn't it?" She almost cries.

"Mar, this has nothing to do with anyone, all I can say is that I can not ruin this between us." I say this, taking my arm out of her grasp leaning down and giving her a kiss on the forehead. This usually works whenever she gets upset. But in this case it did not, she pulled me down and kissed me.

"Do you love me now?" She asks crying, this was so wrong. She can not like me, she is my best friend. Those were the only thoughts that were running through my head. My eyes started watering, and I felt overwhelmed with those emotions, I do not like her the way she does, I have told her before she just doesn't get it. 'Leave y/n before anything else happens' I tell myself, and for once I take my own advice.

I leave this place completely distraught, my thoughts are everywhere but not where they should be.

It took me five minutes until I finally arrived in front of her office, before I could even knock I heard a slight 'come in!' from the other side of the door. I open the big heavy wooden door, and it let out a creak. This school really was old, and should really get renovated.

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