Crazy L.L

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The whole world feels so surreal, I can decipher what is reality and what is fantasy anymore. Everywhere I walk, I see people that other people can not. Others might think I am crazy, and I may just be, this whole school for good and evil is really messing with my brain.

Last year, there was this one student who had failed all his classes. Gregor? I could swear that every time I pass the pond, I can see him sitting there, talking to the wish fish. But as soon as I try to get closer to him, he spots me walking up behind him, and he starts running like his life depended on it. Sometimes I tried running after him, but to no use, as soon as I thought I had reached him it was like he had disappeared into thin air.

"Ok, this is all just a big coincidence, maybe the person was just a shape-shifter." I try to tell myself every time, so I walk back to the 'evil' school. I can not speak with anyone about the things that I am seeing. They will think I am a lunatic, I mean everyone at this school is, but I can not risk anything with this.

When I walked down the hall, I heard whispers as If they'd come out of the wall, and they just kept getting louder, and louder. Soon it felt like the voices were all around me, ready to crush me with their angry tone. I wanted to run, but it was like a force was holding me back. I could not move. When I tried covering my ears, there was no use. The screams were shrill and loud, no one could hide from them. How is no one else hearing this?

Am I dying? Yes, this is the only possible explanation for such a weird situation. Maybe I was already dead, only my spirit had not crossed over to hell yet, and therefore I am stuck in this school. Not dead, not alive.

Oh god, why am I freaking myself out so much. There was one last scream that I witnessed before my knees gave in, making me drop onto the cold stones. There was no energy running through my veins anymore, all I could do is lay here and let fate decide.

My eyesight got blurry and the last thing I could decipher from it was a dark silhouette running over to my passed out body.

Everything went black, and I lost complete senses of the world around me.

I could feel the energy returning to my body, my eyes were still heavy, and my body was aching, like crazy.

"Y/N YOU ARE AWAKE!" Someone yelled, and I could decipher that voice from anyone's. It was Dot.

"Hey, Dottie. How are you?" I ask with a shaking voice.

"How am I? You passed out, and are still asking me how I am. If it weren't for Lady Lesso you'd still be on the floor passed out." Lady Lesso? Dot must be mistaken. Lesso would've let me lay there and would've gladly walked over my body.

"I do not think it was as bad as it looked." I state, knowing it was bad but trying not worry my dear chocolate eating friend any further.

"Lady Lesso said-"

"I do not care what she said, I just need to get out of this bed!" Dot walked away, knowing she should not talk to me while I was in such a temper.

As I tried to get out the bed, I started getting lightheaded like the world was spinning around me, but I could not move along with it.

I could already feel my knees giving in when I heard someone rushing in, they held me up and made me sit down on the bed again. When I looked up, it was no one else than the fearless dean Lesso.

'You know you can hear us!' a voice said.

"SHUT UP!" I held my hands over my ears, and shut my eyes.

"I did not say anything?" Lesso said, looking confused.

"You did not, but they did." Oh god, I must sound like a lunatic now.

"Who's they?"

"The people I keep seeing. Gregor and the Nevers that couldn't graduate this school. Every single one is torturing me."

"Shh, calm down, little one." She tried to take the hands that were covering my ears away but without realizing I had slapped it away I felt my eyes opening wide, when the realization hit me.

"I am so sorry." she laughed and just waved it off.

"Do not worry, I get it." I exhaled and tried to sort my thoughts once and for all.

"Tell me everything up until you passed out!" Now her voice had turned more demanding than before.

"Well, I was taking a walk only to clear my thoughts. I spotted Gregor sitting at the pond there all by himself talking to the wish fish. Oh, you must think I am a lunatic." I held my head with my hands, unsure If I should continue my story.

"Please, go one. I do not believe you are a lunatic more than anyone else in this institute is."

That made me feel at least a little bit better.

"Glad I could help." She laughed.

"Hey, no reading minds." She put her hands up in defense.

"Well, I tried running after him, but when I found him, It was as If he had disappeared into thin air. When I tried going back to my dorm, those voices got louder, and it felt like they were trying to crush me completely. I thought I was going to die." I could feel my eyes getting watery, but I quickly breathed in and suppressed it.

"It is fine to show weakness in such moment, you could call yourself lucky that I was there to safe the day. If a Never other than me would've found you laying there, passed out on the floor, god knows what they would have done to you." Lesso exhaled clearly, trying to order her thoughts just like me.

"I just wish to know what is happening to me?"

"Remember when we talked about special powers?" I nod.

"Your special talent is, that you can see the death which we have to figure out to control, but otherwise it is a good talent. As long as the voices do not make you pass out again, you are able to control them. You can talk to old villains that passed away and find out about the mistakes they made, and so become the first villain to win in 200 years." She clapped her hands delighted, but I was still unsure.

"Do not worry, little one, I will help you control the power, so you are able to only see the death when you really need to see it." I could use a hug.

And as she had read my mind... she did. She hugged me, making me feel safe right here, right now.

"You know. You are special to me. I saw you laying there, and it was as If my world was shattered. So no, I wouldn't have let you lay there or walked over your body." She took the loose hair out of my face. Shit, she heard that.

"Darling, I hear everything. Your thoughts are pretty loud. You do know that?" I laughed.

"Oh, how I thought I would've never heard this sweet laughter ever again." She looked into my eyes as If she needed to do something, but was not sure what she needed to do.

It was as If she was lost, or her thoughts were just as overwhelming as mine, but in a split second her lips were up on mine. And I was in such a trance that once she pulled away, I had not even realized that the voices had stopped yelling.


"Yes?" She flattened her hair, which was more messy than usually.

"It stopped." She looked delighted and kissed me again.

"That was your plan all along, was it not, Lesso?" She just shrugs and gets her cane to leave the room.

"Can you stay for a bit more?" She nods and we lay down together. With me in her arms, I got my first good sleep in days.

A/N: I came to serve. Love all of you, my little queers.


Stay gay.

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