Difficult L.B (platonic)

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A/N: I'm back better than ever and ready to fulfil your gay dreams.

Request: Red_moooon_   ohhh great maybe, lorraine has been taking care of the teen girl agent/assassin for some time she's now like 16 and lorraine is dealing with being a "parent"with her job, trauma and all (cuz lorraines got issues) and at the ...

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Request: Red_moooon_   ohhh great maybe, lorraine has been taking care of the teen girl agent/assassin for some time she's now like 16 and lorraine is dealing with being a "parent"with her job, trauma and all (cuz lorraines got issues) and at the same time dealing with the girl teenage years.she feels insecure about being a "mom" basically but something happens what ever you want and they talk or whatever and there's fluff angst...
(Honey I'm kind of changing it but your idea remains <3)

TW: gun, murder , lot of this I guess good luck

*I perspective from reader*

I've been doing Lorraines job in finding the bastard that tried to murder us and she still isn't grateful for all the things I do, its exhausting I just wanna make her proud.

"Oh shut up you're not my mother and stop acting like you genuinely care cause I know you don't!" I say shutting the door hearing a few silent sobs from the kitchen but I'm way to enraged to deal with her.

I take my mask and a knife and clim up the fire escape she won't notice when I'm gone anyway.
I make myself comfortable on the roof turning the cigarette between both of my fingers admiring the beauty of the city and inhaling  the smoke looking down on the busy city wondering what it would be like living a normal life.

Suddenly everything goes quiet and a second of peace starts that is soon broken by gun shots from downstairs.
At first I didn't move but then my body reflexes start acting up again and I start climbing back into my room and everything has gone quiet again.
"Raine? Hello?" I open my door looking outside first seeing nothing ,but then I make eye contact with a person I at first glance couldn't sort in with someone but then I realise that this person was Lorraine ALIVE.

"Raine what happened down here?"
"You remember the guy who uhm tried to murder us.. well he sent out his minions with a warning." She says almost in shock.
"What's the message Lorraine?" No answer.
"He wants to talk with us or rather you... he's taunting me, don't go to see him PLEASE!"
I think, I wouldn't leave my life here but he wants to see me...
"I know I'm not your mother but listen to me he doesn't want anything good he wants to kill both of us!"
"Lorraine as you said earlier I am sixteen I will see him. If I die, I die."
"NO thats a suicide mission I beg you!"

But I left already not looking back it would hurt to much I guess.

I walk into the empty building.

"Y/N what a surprise didn't think you'd actually take my offer." He says walking  down the flight of stairs.
"What you didn't think your daughter would come and visit "dad"! " he laughs oh god how much I hate his laugh.
„No I just didn't think that your little puppy Lorraine would let you leave the house without her."

„For the record she would never do that!" Lorraine appears from behind my father holding a gun against his head.
„Uhhh now it's getting interesting but Lorraine you're so calculated." he takes out his gun and for a minute I thought  he'd shoot Lorraine but he changes his aim and aims at me.
„My sweet daughter I knew it would end this way with you and I both a gun against our heads but just one of us is going to die, spoiler it won't be me."
„How could you?" I ask not sure to which person I am referring to in the moment I am so angry at both of them.
„If Lorraine pulls the trigger, you die. If she doesn't you still die and I never miss." i feel a small tear starting to build up in my eyes but I stay strong like I said „If i die, I die."

Lorraine pulls the trigger like I assumed she would but my dad shot in the exact same moment and time felt like it stopped.
I want to move but my body doesn't buge I hear muffled screams but still won't move.
I wanna scream but the words won't leave my mouth, i just hope to see mom and dad on the other side even though its their fault I will be there.

The bullet hits me and my body starts trembling backwards.
Lorraine rushes towards me.

"HEY kiddo wake up, its not to late you're only loosing a lot of blood the bullet hasn't hit your heart!" She says clearly in distress.
"Mom it's fine just 5 more minutes." I say as everything goes black and I hear nothing anymore.

A/N: maybe this will be a two parter maybe not depends on my mood.
But fr you should know me by know.
Good bye my lovelies.

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