Satellite C.T.

536 31 4

This may be the most important day in my life. Charlize invited me to finally meet her two daughters. I'm not scared or nervous (a little nervous) I'm quite good with children, so this might give me a bonus.

Charlie <3:

Hey love, everything is ready. I'm going to pick you up in thirty minutes <3


I'm all ready, and super exited to meet the little monsters.

Charlie <3:

How about movie night? Something you play in (they don't like movies where I'm in, so maybe you have better luck)


Be honest, you just want to watch me on the big screen!

Charlie <3:

You caught me. I love you.


I love you too, see you in a bit.

The time passed by so fast, and it felt like I blinked once before Charlize had pulled up in my driveway.

"Hello beautiful." She winked, making a blush creep onto my face. I quickly sat down in the passenger's seat giving her a quick peck on the lips.

We've been dating for 9 months now, and it was finally time to met her children. It was my decision to only meet the children later on in the relationship, because I know what it feels like when your mom randomly brings home a new partner every night, and I could never do this to them. Charlize was totally okay with waiting to introduce me, but now that we've been dating for over half a year and still going it just felt like the right moment.

"Do they know what I am to you?" I ask looking into her eyes, dreading the answer. I'm a good actor, but children know everything. They are the best people reader.

"They do. They know their mommy is in love with this beautiful woman that looks like a movie star. They know that mommy can't shut up about her beauty, and most likely never will. Not only that, but they know your name, your personality type basically everything." She kissed me again before finally starting the car.

Remember how I said I wasn't nervous forty minutes ago? I regret saying this, because I am in fact on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I am about to meet the children of the love of my life, they might not like me. If they don't like me Charlize might stop liking me too. My hands are starting to shake, and obviously Charlize noticed it, taking her right hand of the wheel grabbing my shaking hands.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" She asked still eyes on the rode.

"Just rethinking all my life decisions, and what I did to end up here. Right next to you." I smile a bit.

"Don't be nervous, they will love you so, so much." She assured me, still keeping my hand in hers.

"Can we put on some music it might calm my nerves?" I ask shyly. She just says that I never had to ask her about such an obvious thing.

I put on the 'Grease: Rise of the pink ladies' soundtrack. We've been watching the show, sadly it's gotten cancelled which is literally homophobic bullshit. But, we can not change Paramount + mind on it. Charlize loved the show so much, she hates cliffhangers, so she took it especially bad. 'Crushing me' started playing and right after that 'Think Pink', Charlize had memorized every single lyric already. A lot of singing later, and we arrived at her house. (Please gays, sign the petition to safe the show.)

"We're here. Remember I love you so much, and the kids do too." She reassured me.

It's weird to think her children know me. I've seen so many pictures of the little monsters.

We walked inside, Charlize called inside with a soft hello, and I could hear children running down the stairs.

"Mommy!" her youngest exclaimed running into her arms.

"Is that the movie star?" August asked, looking me up and down, not judging just examining.

"This is y/n my lover. Y/n those are my little monsters." Charlize said proudly, putting down August

I lowered down until I was on eye level with August, holding out my hand for her to take. At first, she was hesitant, but then she ran into my arms which caught me by surprise.

"I like her already. She's so pretty." She said playing with my hair and still holding on to me.

I felt like I was about to cry, but I couldn't. This is my 'I made it moment'.

"How about we go watch a movie?" Charlize said taking Jackson's hand leading all of us to the living room.

"Which movie are we watching?" This is something I'd also like to know. All I know is that it's a movie with me in it.

"How about we watch 'Devil wears Prada'?" She asks with a shit eating grin on her face. This woman. The first thing her children are going to see is me literally me being in love with another woman. (Miranda and Andrea definitely weren't straight)

I lean over to Charlize, she thought I was going to say something, but instead I caught her cheek placing a kiss on it.

The movie started, and it took them exactly three minutes to realize that Andrea was sitting right next to them on the couch. The shock on their face is undescribable.

"Andrea looks like y/n." I chuckle at August's comment.

"That is correct, they do look awfully alike." Charlize smiled.

The credits started rolling, and everyone except me and Charlize had fallen asleep, but you could see she was struggling to keep her eyes open.

From a spectator's view it might've looked like we are a family, and have always been a family.

August is laying on my lap with her head on my thigh, Jackson is leaning against my shoulder just like Charlize.

"How about we carry them into bed?" Charlize whispered into my ear, and I just nodded.

We brought the little angels into bed and tucked them in tightly.

They are lucky to have a caring mother like Charlize, I never had the luck to have someone who actually cared for me before Charlize. I love her so deeply, she is the best thing to have ever happened to me in my poor depressing life.

One day this is going to be my family.

No, this is already my family.

A/N: slay in a homosexual way.

I had my last group therapy session today.

Stay gay homos.

Love Lia <3

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