Gay wrongs L.B.

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A/N: request; LXSSO3NAT  Maybe a oneshot where lorraine is on a mission and fighting in a building with many enemies (y/ns work building) and runs into the middle into the fight between lorraine and so and lorraine protects her and then takes her to her place because she (y/n) has a puncture wound, and then they they fall in love and so (i changed it a little )
TW: blood, knife, gays, gay Annie in the comments, mention of wound

A/N: request; LXSSO3NAT  Maybe a oneshot where lorraine is on a mission and fighting in a building with many enemies (y/ns work building) and runs into the middle into the fight between lorraine and so and lorraine protects her and then takes her ...

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Lorraine POV:
This little cocksucker thought he was so smart, thought he could trick me well he thought wrong.
He set up a trap which clearly didn't work as well as he thought it would.
Now I'm here fighting this little bastard.
"Who do you think you are? Trying to hurt innocent people and I thought I act younger than I looked." I say to him with a neutral expression.
"Innocent huh? Lets see about that.. who is going to be the hero or heroine of this story and will sacrifice them self for the others.. come one tick tock time is running against you." I take a knife out of my jacket and try to stab him but he blocks my attacks.
"No my dear thats rather unfair don't you think?" I scoff at him.
I attack again and we start to fight I can lead him away from the office space but then out of nowhere a young girl walks around the corner and he sees this as his shot.
He pulls out his knife and throws it into her stomach.
The girl Immediately collapses on the ground, he starts to laugh.
"She is innocent you pig she's not the enemy."
"Lorraine don't you see they all are the enemy she's just a piece in a puzzle its like a temple If one column goes missing the whole temple collapses thats what this is like..."
"No you fucking pervert if you kill innocent people I won't be part of your plan the police is after me already LEAVE!" He pulls up his hands in defense and I pull out my gun and hold his to his chest ready to shoot but he backs off and runs away leaving me behind.
I lean down to look at women laying on the floor she still has her eyes open and looks at me.
I pick her up bridal style and carry her away from the office she seemed like she wanted to say something but she couldn't open her mouth.
I take her back to my room.

Y/N 's  POV:
The only thing i really remember was a blonde woman and a tall men arguing I wanted to protect her so I tried to distract him and the dude fucking threw a knife into my stomach after that I don't remember a lot only that I didn't wake up in my apartment.
"Good morning sleepy head glad you could Join me." The blonde woman from earlier says and I back away.
"W-who wh-at have you done?" That wasn't just any blonde hot woman It was Lorraine THE Lorraine.
I'm fucked (literally 😏)
"Don't worry love I'm not going to hurt you." She says sounding almost sincere about it.
"Then why am I here?"
"Well you probably remember that Percival threw a knife into your stomach then you collapsed and I couldn't just leave you there so I fixed it up for you." She points to my stomach and I look down seeing blood on my shirt I lift it up seeing my cut stitched up.
"Wow erm- thanks I guess I didn't expect my enemy to save my life... i really appreciate it." She just nods.
"I didn't just safe you to stich you up you know.. I always liked hot women with confidence." she walks closer to me and I get up from the bed and she doesn't stop in her tracks until I'm pushed against the wall and I feel her hot breath against my skin.
„But now that i look at you, i cant find the confidence you had earlier this day..."
The hot blond woman that was sat across from you starts talking but your way to focused on her beautiful eyes than on her talking which   Might seem rather rude.
„staring is rude you know.."
„I wasn't staring I was admiring." i say with a cocky smile.

„I was a different person I wasn't dying there."
„good point but lets seem If we can regain that confidence."

A/N. Part 2?
I slay straights dont.

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