Smooth operator C.B

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A/N: I believe that this is going to be longer than the other things I write, but who knows.

The last days of filming for Carol had begun, meaning that the stress had reached its climax and there was no time to rest.

"That's it for today, y/n I'd advise you and Cate to run lines, so we can get real admiration and love from you tomorrow!" Cate and I just nod and make our way back to my trailer, ready to run the lines, but instead she stood behind the door frame and quickly made her way over to the small couch and laid there.

"Your couch is way more comforting than mine, you know that? It's a crime!" I laugh and sit on the edge of the couch.

"We should run lines like he said!" I say trying to keep the conversation going.

"Can we just relax for a moment? Why don't you give me your phone?" She clearly had her phone and was trying to be noisy, but I could never in a million years say no to this gorgeous, breathtaking, stunning women that is laid on MY couch, well more or less mine. So I get my phone and hand it over to her.

"Darling, rest a bit, you have deserved a few minutes of peace." She had sat up and held intense eye contact. 'Darling' I could get used to her calling me that.

"Fine." I say reluctant and lay down on the couch, head on her thighs. This is how it always ended up. Me falling asleep on her legs, or in her embrace, over the short period of time we have spent together we have grown quite familiar with each other's habits.

I was woken by a clicking, so I opened my eyes only to be greeted by a smiling Cate who held my phone into my face, clearly taking photos.

"Hey sleepyhead, you looked beautiful, I couldn't resist."

"This was your plan all along, waiting till I fall asleep and then taking photos. I should've known Ms. Blanchett."  I laugh, taking my phone from her hands. Likewise, I looked onto the clock, seeing it was already 4 in the morning.

"You should head back to your trailer." I say, not trying to be rude, but it was late and she needs her rest.

"You're probably right, I will see you tomorrow." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me behind, still sitting on the couch.

The next days flew by like a fever dream, and me and Cate just grew closer over the shared stress.

"So darlings, that's it, we are officially done." He clapped into his hands, clearly delighted, and when I looked around trying to spot Cate she had already spotted me.

"Ok, the movie comes out in December, so you have a few months to prepare for the press tours that will be held. Good luck! " And with that said, we all went back to our trailers and got our belongings.

"I will text you once I'm home." I heard a familiar voice say, I turned around only to see Cate with watery eyes. I believe that saying goodbye is hard for her. Even though a goodbye is symboling the start of something new and exciting, it can be hard for others.

"Hey, I will text you too, no I will call you, and maybe we can hang out before the movie premiers!" I smile, and I get a cracked smile in return. You can see that she is about to cry, so I walk over to her, taking her tall figure into mine, embracing her.

"It is going to be fine, it will only be a few months, and then we can have our daily hangouts every night."  Now I also felt the tears starting to form.

"I have to say bye to Sarah, I am so sorry Cate I promised to catch her before she leaves." I take my luggage and run out of the trailer. This was stupid, but I could not leave two heartbroken people back.

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