Beautiful girl L.B

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Request: @Red_moooon_ could you maybe write a platonic one shot with lorraine where she's paired with a teen girl assassin/agent (y/n) and gets very attached form like a mother daughter bond because lorraine is maybe the only
"mom" she knows and lorraine loves her like her kid, and they argue for some reason and y/n yells at loraine that she's not her mom but at the end they make up (angst/fluff)

A/N:I love a good platonic fic haha. Life update I guess If you don't wanna read it just skip. Life sucks who would've thought I've been studying non stop the past 3 weeks thats why I haven't uploaded anything but I have a lot of motivation right now so maybe I will write more we will have to see.
I already read 3 books this year which is a lot to me I guess. Also I changed my personality completely in these past weeks and my math teacher praised me. I think thats it. Oh and I'm in my Beatles phase kind of.

 Oh and I'm in my Beatles phase kind of

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Lorraine's POV:

I don't know what they were thinking sending me a literal child to help me with this mission,they must be really desperate taking everyone that crosses their way.
„How old are you,kiddo?" I ask looking her up and down.
„sixteen and I'm stronger than I look in case thats what you were worrying about." i think I can work with sixteen if she had been younger I'd probably send her back to her mom.

„So what's the mission?" urgh so no one told her, just amazing always leaving the work for me.
I started to explain the mission and how dangerous it is and If she wants to back out now is the time.
„As I said before I'm stronger than I look, I've been assassin for as long as I can remember old lady." oh she's feisty.
„Who are you calling old lady little missy?" and she rolled her eyes can you believe it.
„Anyways where are we even going, no one told me anything!" they really just left her in blue, I kinda feel sorry for her, but only kinda.
„Germany-„ she rolls her eyes again.
„Something wrong with that?" i ask not understanding her reaction at all.

„Well let's just put it this way, Germany isn't my favourite country in the whole wide world and I'd rather jump of a cliff then go back again."
„Again? You've been there before?"
„Born and raised never left until a few years ago and now they're telling me I have to go back to that awful place." she grunts clearly annoyed. Understandable.
„Now I understand why they sent you to the mission to accompany me. You can speak German and are an assassin I think thats what we can call a win win because my German is lacking a bit." I just don't get why of all the assassins that speak German they chose a sixteen year old.
„Why did they choose you? I mean You're sixteen basically still a kid." she laughs a little not taking me serious. I hate teenagers so much.

„Well lets just say revenge." Revenge? I can work with that but what kind of enemies could a child make in such a short life span?
But I just leave it, the stir isn't worth it and I'm not trying to actually get connected with her she's just a tool in this plan.
At least she has a motive to fulfil this mission, I admire that.
„When are we leaving?" she asks adverting her eyes from my face.
„In an hour so If you still need stuff you better find it!" i don't mean to sound so harsh but I can't help it.
„No I'm ready."
„I'm intrigued though, who is worthy of your revenge little girl?"
„Uhhh so you care about me, who would've thought that you did. But just to answer your question my parents." she fake gasps a little after she finished her sentence.

„Well in that case you have a good motive to kill someone ...sorry that was insensitive of me." but she just laughs at me.
„Don't even worry you're forgiven.. for now." I look on my watch and realise that it's almost time to leave.
„Well we better hurry now unless you wanna be late." she shakes her head and follows me.
The cab is taking us to the airport so we can travel safely.
When we Bord the plane I realise how tired the girl next to me is, her eyelids closing every 5 minutes.
„Hey you can sleep its a few hours flight and you're gonna be needing a lot of energy." i say and she just looks at me for a few seconds before closing her eyes again.
I put in my headphones and listen to some music but after about 5 minutes I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder.
So i look around spotting the sleeping girl on my shoulder, i smile a little but quickly change my face back to an expressionless façade.

The plane lands after 4 hours and we're in Germany.
I gently tap the girl on the shoulder to let her know that we're there, she opens her eyes and looks a little disoriented even scared.
"Everything ok?" Why do I care for her urghhhh.
"Y-yeah everything is fine, just a little jet lagged I guess." She stands up and gets her luggage from the top shelf and walks out of the plane greeting the flight attendants on her way out.

We get out of the plane and call a cab to take us to the hotel.
And we get there with just one incident on the way to it, i call it a win.
The one thing that surprised me was really her she killed a man without thinking twice, realizing we were in "danger" and she acted.
"So we have a lot of time why don't we get to know each other a little better, I just wanna be sure you won't murder me in my sleep." The young girl asks.
"Well If you insist I do have some questions to ask first." She nods.
"What's your name?" She looks stunned.
"Oh shit- my name is Y/N Y/L/N I forgot I never introduced myself by name." She looks away clearly embarrassed.
"What happened between your parents and you?" She gulps at the question still looking everywhere but my face.

"I'm too sober for this bullshit. I didn't think you cared though."
"First of all you are not getting drunk you're a minor second I care even though I might not show it, I may not care about you but I care about my missions and If you're a part of this mission i have to care about you too." Now she's looking into my eyes with glassy eyes and tears ready to burst out of them.
"What's wrong did I say something insensitive again?" She just shakes her head.
She walks towards me and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry I'm usually thing like this." She whispers into the crook of my neck.
I start patting her back. I hate hugs but I also don't wanna let her go afraid she might break.
"Will you tell me what's wrong.. please?"

"You said you cared for me when you don't even have to, you might act like you don't give a fuck about me but I can see you care for me and my well being more than my parents ever did."
"That explains a lot."
"It does?" She looks confused.
"Doesn't matter you'll be fine soon, lets just focus on the mission."
And so we did and everything went well until..

"LORRAINE WHY THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN CARE, ITS NOT LIKE YOU'RE MY MOM?" She slams her fist on the counter startling me a little.
"What cat's got your tongue?"
"You know what If you actually cared you would never scream at me." Shit. Shit. Shit.
"I'm sorry Y/N i didn't mean to yell at you." I regret all the things i said and I just wanna make it up to her.

"You know what mom I don't care I just leave it." Her eyes widen when realization hit.
"I'm sorry Lorraine I didn't mean to please forget it." My brain couldn't comprehend the next thing i did.
I walk towards her taking the younger girl in my arm so she can relax.
"Shhh kiddo everything will be alright just relax don't worry."

We finished the mission that day and I realized a lot about myself too.

A/N: It's weird that I haven't written anything in weeks.
I hate it, I'm sorry that this is bad.
Love Lia. gay0weirdo

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