The Prophecy L.L

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A/N: Am I getting back into writing on here? Maybe, I started writing on here when I was 13- I'm 16 now. Any way a new Lady Lesso OS and I am here to serve exactly what you are.. cunt. (This is not my joke it is Chappell Roans) My grammar has not improved. 


This is just some witty banter, with no kissing. Just some proximity.

It was the first day of being back at school, and your excitement had met its boundaries when you realised who you'd be teaching along this year. Fucking, Lesso. Though without the correct grammar this sentence could drastically change. Lady Lesso hates you for no real reason. At least not one you can think of, or grasp. You were just beginning to decorate your classroom with very (not) inspirational posters, to demotivate the students. When the infamous click of a cane held my none other than Lady Lesso echoed through the room. Without looking up you started talking.

"Who do I owe the displeasure to have you in my classroom?" But she did not answer, so you turned around only to basically walk into her tall body. 

"Fuck can't you tell me when you are right behind me." You mutter.

"Mrs. Y/L/N you should watch your tongue, before I have it cut!" To that you only laugh.

"As if you had the heart to do it." You are challenging her, and she hates being met by an equal. No one should ever dare to challenge THE Lady Lesso. You'd be a dead man in the morning if you tried. But apparently you did not care. 

"Oh really maybe your heart will help me. It would look rather dashing on a plate. Don't you think?"  You were stunned by that comeback. Who even comes up with such a thing? A psychopath. 

"I should have died years ago. Death is always next to me watching me. Do your worst!" With that she grabs you by your collar and you crash against the wall behind you. You can feel her breath on your face. It was hot... Not the action, her breath. of course. Only weirdos would think this scene to be hot.  

"The difference between you and I, Lady Lesso is that I am not scared."

"You think I am scared?"


"IS It not my charm that frightens you in the least? I really need to torture you more." She says, and you laugh.

"Oh you are torturing me just by existing."

"What are you thinking about, dear?" But for real, what are you thinking? You could not tell her that you thought this situation to be quite hot! So improvising it is.

"I'm really still thinking about cutting open your throat and taking out your vocal cords, and sometimes how your head would look on a spike."

"That paints quite the picture."

One question is still floating across the room.

"Why are you here?"

"As the dean I need to make sure my staff is comfortable." She smirks, that fucking smirk. I want to wipe it off her face, or wipe the floor with it.

"So you thought you needed to invade my personal space?"

"Na, I just wanted to make sure you did not get weaker over the holidays, otherwise these students would eat you alive."

"Ah, I am so glad to have someone like you in my life. Can you let go now?"

"Actually no, I like having you in this position. All helpless and struggling."

"Do you see me struggling?"

"No, but now." She started moving her hand around your throat and applying some pressure to it. You start gripping her arm, in hope she would losen her grip, to no help.

"Aw, so weak." She applied more pressure until you felt like you were about to pass out. When she saw you really struggling she abruptly let go of your throat. 

"Hope you learned your lesson to never disrespect me, ever again." You are catching your breath, and look up at her through your lashes. Any normal man or woman would be scared.

"I'm sensing violence in your eyes, darling." You are just trying to gather yourself, and slowly stand up. Though you are not on eye level with her it almost felt that way right now.

"Get the fuck out of my classroom before I make you regret ever laying your hands on me." To your surprise she actually left. 

"Until next time, darling."

"Rot in hell!"

A/N: Short but sweet. I thought I'd channel some of my anger here. Slay queen. I got my 2 and a half week internship tomorrow. At a primary school, send help. How do I speak with children?

Anyway, stay gay

Love, Lia

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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