Girls against god D.K

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A/N: there are literally no Daphne one shots.

Kinda spicy but NO smut.

Daphnes POV the whole part:

"Lou we can't just accept everyone!" I say trying to set my standpoint but no one's listening once again.

"Well missy we accepted you. So you can either leave or work with her. It is your decision entirely." I sigh i can not leave this group because I have no where else to go.
All my friends are fake and I can recognise bad acting anywhere.

"Where would she even sleeps we have no room?" Rose asks.
"Lets just wait for her. Then you can judge. She should be here any second." When Lou said that the door opened.
We were all stood in the living room when this rather medium sized women came in, she's definitely smaller than me.

(Some unspoken for the fit but you can just imagine something else if it isn't your style.)


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"Sorry I'm late but there was this whole dea- wait how many are you?" The women says looking around obviously counting the people with a shacked expression

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"Sorry I'm late but there was this whole dea- wait how many are you?" The women says looking around obviously counting the people with a shacked expression.

"May I introduce my COUSIN Y/N best lawyer and thief in Great Britain!" Y/n did a little bow.
"So you're British?" Rose asks to which Y/n only nodded not holding eye contact with anyone as If she's nervous.
Tammy as she is walks right up to her trying to hug her and I could see pure terror in her eyes as If she was gonna have a panic attack but she let it happen.

"I'm Tammy that's Debbie but you know her, the mean bitch model girly over there is Daphne kluger she insists on using her last name too, Nine ball our hacker, Rose our designer and cutie, Constance our skateboard queen and Amita our 'diamond'."
Wow Tammy just called me a bitch. Not that it isn't true but still ouch.
Somethings intriguing me about Y/n I just have to figure out what it is.
She seems so familiar.
My chance.

"Y/n darling, do you wanna stay in a room with me." Wait I didn't say that but Debbie did. What the hell that was my chance on getting to know her but I can not just say no to a person like Debbie.

Y/n just nods and looks at Lou for help who is just giving her thumbs up.
I remember a face but with her I just know that I've met her before.
My sixth sense or something is broken.

Y/N gives Lou a look that I can't quite figure out yet, but after she did Lou looked around and took a breath.
"Debbie I don't think Y/N should bunk with you I mean we know- so are there any volunteer-" and without thinking I raised my hand embarrassed by my reaction I looked around and saw that the gang was looking at me.

"I mean i said I wanted to get to know her so there's no better opportunity than this one right?" I say trying to get out of this fucked up situation

Lou nods and whispers Y/N something into her ear to which she lets out a quiet giggle.
They both leave the room to get her stuff that she left downstairs because she was in such a hurry.

Hours flew by and I laughed and drank until I couldn't and went upstairs only to realise i wasn't alone anymore.
Y/n was in the bathroom.
"Hey Y/N." I say really groggy, ready to dive into a deep slumber.
Until i heard something from the bathroom. A moan. I was awake immediately.
Oh shit.

Wait maybe i miss heard.
Yes most definitely. Nope a moan. Shit shit shit.

What am I supposed to do.

"Y/N what's taking you so long?" That might me a safe shot?
I heard a quiet fuck from the bathroom.

"Daphnaaaa please just a second." Daphna? Ohhhh. I decide to just lay down and tuck myself in.
And finally the bathroom door opened but two shadows walked through it.

"Bye Rosie." She said standing on her tip toes to give her a kiss on the cheek. (Y/n got W rizz)

No. No way.
Y/N looked at me realising the shock in my face and a red blush forming over her her cheekbones.

"I am so sorry, Rosi- Rose and I used to date and all that came- wait you probably don't wanna hear that. I'll just shut up." Will this women shut up. It's bad enough i have to hear her moans through my walls now I have to hear about her sex life.

Something overtook me in that specific moment when my body just got up from the bed.
I walked over to the nervous y/n until i was right in front of her, I could feel her hot breath caressing my face.

"Think she did it better than I will?" I say hovering over her, intimidating her.
She shakes her head to my surprise.
"But you sounded so pretty while she fucked you, so what did you think of?" I say while lowering my body so my lips ghost her lips and then her neck.
"Y-you, the person that caught my eye the moment I walked in. I just needed a distraction." She said with a trembling voice.
"Oh is that so?"
"May I?" I ask pointing to her neck.
"Yes Please GOD." She didn't have to say that twice my lips connected with her neck ready to show 'Rosie' that her darling 'Y/N doesn't belong to her anymore.
She pushed me away for a second and I saw that as a sign to stop, but before I could turn away she took me by the shirt and pulled me close to her. Connecting our lips for the first time.

Never in my life have i felt something like that.

And in the bat of an eye, I remember her.
The day in the subway there was another women with sunglasses and a magazine in front of her. For one split second she looked up and we had eye contact.
That was her.

I chose to ignore that, maybe for now at least.
Now the only thing that mattered was HER.

"Wait- not tonight." I said before taking her hand to take her to my bed.
The thing i need is not sex. Not in this moment. I just need her, as close as possible.

A/N: Funfact silver spring is getting a part two with flashbacks.
And this story was started in french class so it's not proof read.

Have an amazing day/night

Love all of you <3

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