Silver Spring Part 2

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No one requested this, but I just felt obligated to give you the backstory.

SMUT! At the end 

I have been working as a barista these past months, and there were this woman she had blonde short hair, and she became a regular.

"Hello, I'd like a-" she started, but I have already memorized her order and gave it to her.

"There you go." She laughs.

"When does your shift end?" I looked at her, not sure what to answer. Usually she only asks for coffee and then leaves.

"In three hours." I say.

"Good to know." She says and sits down.

There were other people I needed to serve, so I walked over to the table. While I was trying to walk back to the counter, the blonde women tried to leave, and we bumped into one another. I felt something paper like brush my skin, and she just winks and leaves.

Looking down onto my hands, I see a note lying there.

"Wait for me after your shift! Yours truly, Charlize" So the mysterious women did have a name.

The shift went by like it was nothing, and before y/n could even grasp it, it was 6 pm already. And once she started closing up, she heard a knock on the door. Charlize.

"Come in, it's still open!" And she did. She walked inside wearing casual clothes and her hair open, looking into my eyes.

"If you want, you can help me pick up the trash that the kids left on the floor." I say, I need all the help I can get, when my boss is too lazy to even show up, and I have to run this place all by myself.

"Of course." She says, and she helped me clean up the whole place.

"All done." I exclaim. "Want to sit?" I ask, pointing to the table. She nods and we sit apart from one another. She keeps staring into my eyes, like she got lost in them.

"Staring is rude!" I say, trying to break the silence.

"Not staring, I am merely just admiring how beautiful you look." Oh, she is a flirty person, I could've guessed that.

"You know I've had my eye on you for quite a while, I literally freaked out when one of your coworkers told me you weren't serving a day. And you are just a fascinating person all around." I am speechless. I mean, what do you say to such a thing.

"I am Charlize, Charlize Theron." Wait. No, that can not be. She is lying. I think I am getting pranked right now.

"You're lying!" She laughs.

"Why would I lie about myself, when I am trying to get to know you better ?" Ok, good point I guess?

"Ok, tell me something about you!" She demands.

"Well, I am 27, and I spend my free time working at this coffee shop, there is not much more to say." 

"Come on, everyone has a story. Ok then I will have to start, I am 47 a single mom and obviously an actress. I live with my dogs and children in a house, and I feel like a teenager around you." I let out a laugh, she basically just declared her crush on me.

"I can assure you, I also feel like a teenager around you. I mean, I remembered your order." Charlize takes my hand in hers, and she doesn't break eye contact when she took her right hand and placed it on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to her. I could feel her breath on my cheeks and I could feel her internal battle, whether she should kiss me or now.

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