War is over A.P

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LXSSO3NAT request: not my bestie carrying (i wrote this in class)
Y/n lives 10 or more years with alma and the children and y/n slowly falls in love with alma and one day y/n and alma go on a walk into the woods and y/n says that she loves alma and then they have seggs.
Well I do not like public smut so they'll probably NOT do it in the woods my darling.
CW: smut ofc

(I in fact did not know how to read time till I was 13 years old- exposing myself rn)

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(I in fact did not know how to read time till I was 13 years old- exposing myself rn)

Little background info tbh:
Y/N is gay who's would've thought...
Peculiarity: teleportation
She lived in the loop for 2o years already and obviously fell for the hottest person there.

"Happy birthday Y/N!" Ms. Peregrine said as you walked down the stairs still half asleep. She was the only one who still 'celebrated' your birthday.
"Alma I told you before it cant be my birthday If I don't age." You tell her with a raspy voice and she just laughs at you.
You fake pout grabbing your heart acting all offended.
"Well my love a birthday is a special event it should be celebrated as it." You just simply said 'no' and walked away from her wanting to end the conversation as quick as possible and she got the hint to return to her chores.
You are not in a birthday mood everyone could see.
"BUT Y/N i have to insist on you joining me for my daily walk this afternoon just the two of us." She says in her calm but demanding voice and you couldn't say no to the women you loved
"Urgh fine give me an hour too finish my chores then we can go." You answer in a bored tone but in you happiness spread, you just love spending time with her.
She just nods and you take your leave first cleaning the attic which took you circa 39 minutes so you now have to go to your last task.
Helping Emma set the squirrel back into the tree.
You take your leave from the attic to go into the garden which took you 3 minutes and 45 seconds when you get there Emma was already in place.
"Y/N dear come over here." She waved at you with the rope in her hand. You walk over to her taking the rope out of her hands so she could catch the squirrel.
And in 10 seconds the squirrel would fall out of its nest and Emma will return it safely to its mother.
And like clockwork the squirrel fell out of the tree.
"Would you mind?" She pints down to her waste so you could put the rope around it too secure her.
And you did not caring If it looked weird from the outside it was your duty after all.
"Hold on tightly will you?" You nod and she unclasps her shoes levitating into the tree.
You had a strong grip and could secure her easily thats why it was your job after all. The squire lol was back with its mother and you could pull Emma down again.
"Thank you Y/N/N!" She exclaimed giving you a kiss on the cheek, she always does this its her way of saying that she appreciates me. I really like her as a friend she's super kind she just trusts too easily.
"Oh shoot Em's I gotta go Al- Ms. peregrine is expecting me for her daily walk I promise I will be back LOVE YOU." You said already walking away not wanting too be late you still had 2 minutes left too be on time so you rush your walking. If there's something Alma hates its someone being late.
When you got there you were exactly on time.
"A close one Y/N but on time as always." She says looking at her pocket watch and then back into your eyes.
"Well now that you're here we must leave, come on!" She says taking your arm and pulling you with her she seemed colder then usual.
Usually she smiles at you or holds eye contact but she seems to be avoiding you.
You start walking in silence until you couldn't bare it any longer and you had to break it.
"Alma did i do something wrong you're so quiet today?" You give her a worried glance but she would have so look at you too see it so you just stop walking and she doesn't even bother to turn around but stops in her tracks.
"Alma LeFay Peregrine I demand you too speak too me right this second!" You would never yell at her not under normal circumstances but you needed to know what you'd done wrong and you needed answers right this second.
She takes a deep breath.
"It's nothing I just don't feel well." Lies all lies.
"It's kind of ironic don't you think?" You chuckle and she finally turns around and looks into your eyes clearly confused by what you mean.
"What is?" She asks you still confused.
"That you always say 'don't lie!" But you lie as if its nothing you say matters WHAT IS WRONG and you better answer truthfully otherwise I will turn around and leave you here, I will never speak too you again and search for another loop!" You say getting angry at the blue haired women next to you.
She sighs and turns away mumbling something.
"What you'd have too speak up or I can't hear you!" You say in a way calmer voice.
"I was unhappy by how you looked at Emma." She says quiet but you'd still understand her.
"You were jealous?"
"Jealous of course not I could never." She waves off.
"Too bad because I really like you blue bird." Shit where did you get that confidence from?
"You heard me blue..." she looks at you and walks closer now you were merely inches away from each other being able too feel each other's hot breath.
"You like me but I thought you and Em-?"
"I do not love her she's a friend but nothing more I love you." You say looking into her mesmerising eyes.
Woah you made the scary bird blush you will tell that too your children one day.
"I like you." She mutters under her breath only you were able to hear anything she's saying. And that was the last thing you needed to close the gap between the two of you and kissing her passionately on the lips. It's not like you've been waiting years for this right? Wrong you've been waiting a decade just to get to this moment right here you would not waste it. It felt like the world stopped moving juts because some silly little event was happening somewhere in Northern Ireland.
You were the first too pull away because you were out of breath. Fucking oxygen always ruining the good things.
"We- erm We should maybe go back home the kids may be wondering what kept us out here so long." You say looking at your pocket watch seeing that you were 3 minutes behind schedule and 'Ms. Peregrine is NEVER late'.
"Oh shi- shoot we should really get going but we will continue this later." She winked taking your hand and leading you back to the house.
"It's almost supper where have you been?"  Emma exclaims when she sees you and Alma, It was 4:35 you had one hour too prepare dinner.
"We must've lost track of time we took a 'short cut' or so we thought." You say looking at the taller blue haired goddess.
"Well doesn't matter we should get going now or everything will fall out of place!" You took Almas hand which took her by surprise and she flinches a little bit relaxes into your touch and you lead her to the kitchen.
"Well lets start should we darling?" You say in your best flirty voice.
"Ohhh being a tease won't get you far." She whispers into your ear, goosebumps forming on your arm her voice was everything.
You finish dinner early serving it on time even though you were 'late' before.
The kids quickly talk about there day leaving no detail out and Alma sometimes looked at you with the most loving gaze and your knees felt so weak. This women could kill you and you'd thank her saying you deserved it.
The kids watched Horace's dream which was only about clothes no prophecies this time thank god.
And when it was time too reset the loop it felt like eternity time moved by so slowly and you couldn't wait to kiss her again.
Finally every chore was done and everyone went to sleep leaving only you and Alma behind.
"Well we better get going now my love or you'll be exhausted in the morning... oh wait you'll be exhausted either way." She quickly added taking your hands and pulling you into her bedroom.
A room with a huge bed it was sparely decorated and only had one window it looked like a guest room really but no the headmistress lived here.
She quickly locked the door.
"Don't worry the walls are thick." She whispers before taking you by the waist pulling you close to her walking towards the bed and pushing you on it.
Oh so she was a top good too know.
"What am I gonna do with you? Be a good girl and listen to me!" She says in a seductive voice making you shiver starting to kiss down your neck leaving her marks everywhere.
"Fuck me!" You moan.
"With great pleasure." She says before pulling of your clothes and leaving you only in your underwear when the cold air hit your body your goosebumps return.
"What do you want me to do?" she asks in her cocky voice that she only uses when she speaks to you.
"Ride my face!" Oh shit you just said that out loud. She looked at you with a neutral expression on her face a grin started to form on her face.
"Well you'd have to take of my clothes darling." You quickly do as she says and you leave her completely naked. And she sat up settling down on your face  so she could ride it.
When your tongue gets into contact with her clit you hear her moan for the first time she's been trying to hold back her moans but with you under her she couldn't n0t anymore.
Her moan was a sound you could get addicted too.
Her moans begin to get louder and louder and you can feel she was getting close.
You took ahold of her hips making her get off of your face which left her whimpering.
"Leaving me like this is unfair." She cries out. And before she could think again or say something again you had put two fingers inside off her making her arch her back like crazy. Oh how gay you were.
She quickly reached her climax to no surprise.
When she came she collapsed onto the bed clearly she wasn't used to reaching her climax as hard as she just had.
Oh the scary headmistress under your control you could write a book about that.
"Y/N's greatest success is fucking a headmistress." Oh yeah amazing book title people will definitely buy that book.
"Don't worry you don't have to take care off me REST! You seem exhausted my dear." It's so weird that she was so top at first and now is such a bottom.
"I love you so so much." She says in a tired voice kissing your cheek.
"I Love you too but I will have to clean you up first, bath?" She gives you a nod and you take her arm her legs were completely wobbly and she couldn't walk without support.
Wow Y/N Y/L/N had made the headmistress weak on her knees.
Oh you will never let her forget this night...

A/N: Ok ok 2k words is something right? It seems like nothing compared to other story's.
And the smut is so poor written because no one ever even tried to kiss me. So hahah-

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