Silver Spring C.T (fluff)

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TW: mention of sexual harassment

Charlize gets home from a long hard day of work and Y/N (I perspective) is there to safe the day

It's been three hours when I finally heard the front door open, I heard an exhausted sigh.
I was still sat on the couch, when I heard a silent crying sound.
My brain shut down, and I stood up from the couch and immediately walked over to my beautiful and drop-dead gorgeous wife, only to see her seat against the door crying as If her world had just shattered.

"Y-Y/n I didn't think you'd be home, I thought you'd be with your friends out to doing something else." She stood up and dried her tears with her sleeve. And tried sorting herself.

I just stood there in shock, not sure what to do.
No one ever told me how to comfort someone the proper way, so I do not know what to do.
I just have to listen to my instincts, so I walk up to her, look into her eyes before pulling her into my arms.
"It's ok to cry, I'm your wife, you can tell me everything that's on your mind." And with that the tears streamed down her face and she couldn't form one word.
"I promise I'll be there, like I did at the altar all those years ago, you just have to tell me what's wrong?" I could feel her nodding into my shoulder.
"Do you want to take a bath to calm down?" Another nod and I saw this as a sign to pull her from our embrace, gave her a quick peck on her forehead and led her to the bathroom.

I fill the bathtub with hot water and lavender oil (her fav) and when I look to my left I can see that she was still worried, so when I was done I went to the kitchen and got some candles for her and put them on the edge of the tub.
I remembered her comfort book, so I quickly went to grab it out of our shared bookshelf.
So now that everything is done, I stop the water and look into her eyes.

"I love you, and we don't have to talk, I'll just wait out here until you feel better." I say, but she shakes her head and takes my hand to show that she needs me close to her.
And obviously I would never say no to the gorgeous women, so I take my place next to her, watching her undress.
I have never seen such a beautiful person.
She finally got into the bathtub and sat down when she finally let out a sigh of relief.
Her tears are now completely gone, only her eyes are puffy, you wouldn't have noticed she's been crying if you weren't there.
Has she been doing this when I was not at home? How long has this been going on?
I want to ask her all those questions, but for now it's better to just wait till and listen to her.
A few minutes go by and everyone could see that Charlize had finally relaxed.
I was looking somewhere else when I heard Charlize saying something, but still trying tot sort her words.

"Today was rough, thank you for all of that." 
My face lit up when I heard her sweet angelic voice, every time I hear it I feel like I just entered heaven.
"How long have you been feeling like this?" I ask cautiously

"Ever since I started shooting my new movie, everything was good until some of the directors started sexualizing me." I felt anger rise but not because of her but because of the director.
"What has he been saying or doing?" I need to know If it's safe for her there. Obviously it isn't.
"He- was just saying things like I don't know,  'we need to see more of those tits next scene' and more one time he even touched my ass. I know I'm supposed to not feel like this, but I can't hide it. I can't believe you've had to find out that way, you must hate me." She hid her face in the palm of her hands. Ashamed? Horrified of my reaction? Both?
I was left speechless.
What could I say to this.


So I decided to stand up from the chair I was sitting on, went over to her and grabbed her hands.

"I promised I will love you till our dying breath, so talk to me when something is bothering that pretty little brain of a mastermind. Also, you should talk to your lawyer because he's basically sexually harassing you and I don't want you to shed another tear to such a dick." I say those words so carefully, scared I will say something wrong.

She looks up and takes me in her arms.
She pulls back and lets out a laugh.
"Now you're all drenched." She points out.
I laugh along, looking down at my clothes that are now completely soaked.
"Don't you know the saying "Better drenched than have an unhappy wife"?" I say, offended.
"You made that up, didn't you?" I try to keep a straight face, but then she holds eye contact and I lose it. I laugh and seconds later she laughs along, how much I missed that sweet laughter.

She gets out of the bath tub and gives me a quick peck on the lips before she leaves the bathroom.

How am I so lucky?

When I met her in the coffee shop, where I worked as a barista, I could already see the future I would have with her.
First I didn't think she noticed me, but she did.
Quickly she became a regular and when I wasn't there she asked my colleagues where I was and when they said I wasn't there she left.
One day she got bold and saw me getting ready to leave the café she walked past me, bumping into me and while she did that she passed me her number.
Till this day, I still have no idea on how all of this happened.
That's why she got the nickname 'mastermind' from me the first month of dating, when she told me about how she noticed me.

"Honey, we have to sleep!" She exclaimed from our bedroom, and I get pulled out of my trance.
I get too bad, and we cuddle up to each other.

"I love you, forever and ever. Don't you ever dare to hide yourself again." I say stern.
She nods and cuddles up even closer, if that was even possible.
"I promise." And we pinky promise.

My forever and always.
My mastermind.
The love of my love.

And soon the mother of my children.

A/N: besties guess who's back from writer's block.
Not me still have the biggest writer's block because I think no one will ever read my stories but anyway.
This amazing storyline was requested by my dear bestie st444rgirl_
Love you honey buns.

I have so many exams I can't at least I'm going to slay English.

Taylor Swift because It's part 13 of this series, lol.

Taylor Swift because It's part 13 of this series, lol

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Karma feat. Ice spice is not it
But snow on the beach sent me to heaven.

I need international dates.

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